Monday, December 31, 2012

Sad ending ....

 *This is from my FB page today, so I will put it here also*
( my blog, "Our Place")

~~a sad-and expensive end to 2012 for us...last night-just after dark- we got a call that one of our young 'heifers' had gotten out of our back pa
sture and got hit by a car and killed! A young girl was driving alone, but, thankfully, was not hurt. Charles went over there-(one street over)-At best we will be out the cost of the young cow...which would have been worth around $700.00 presently) Hopefully, the girl's insurance will cover her damages to her car! (I sure hope so because we can't afford another big bill to pay)

It was a freak thing to happen...sometimes young cows manage to get out, in spite of our best efforts to keep the fences in good shape!...The animal control people were there and Charles was not held responsible for this.

Apart from the $$ part, I am very sad about the loss of this beautiful little cow. She was one of the prettiest ones we've had.

This is a picture of "April" when she was just a day or so old, with her mom, Cloud.

The link to my blog shows a more recent pic of her.


  1. OH goodness, Junie. I'm so sorry!


  2. Thank you Sally- :(

    Hope things start getting better soon!
