Pink Saturday-Pink Spring!! (4-6-13)
Yesterday was another really BEAUTIFUL spring day for us here in north Florida!
Since I didn't need to watch Drakey, Charles and I decided to go out!
We went for breakfast then we hit some yard sales around town! You never
know what you might find! :) I found some cool 'dolls,' among other
things! Love finding things I like for a good price! (NOT that I needed
more dolls-some might say!!!) But it's the little things in life that
adds the fun part!!
Before we started out, though, we checked
out the meadow. It's looking good! This is one of my favorite spots in
my world and what I most love about our spring!!
Some pics of our beautiful little corner of the world! :)
~~OK-lots of Pinks and also LOTS of reds!!~~
I always love seeing your meadow Junie - a lovely spot!