Sunday, August 18, 2013

Camera Critters- Aug 18,2013

Camera Critter time!!

I got this picture recently of our cow,
 Cloud, with her new baby, born a few weeks
 ago. I named her Julie because she was born
 in July.

(click on pic to enlarge)



  1. Aww, how sweet. You're so blessed to live in the country witnessing nature and animals. :)

  2. Oh Love the photo Junie!! Great shot!

  3. I like that they are both checking you out!
    Hope all is well with you Junie!
    I had my granddaughters for almost three weeks and now my Grandson. Not much time for blogging these days. :)

  4. Hi Carletta,

    Yes, I'm doing ok.

    I have my baby grandson 3 days each week, usually!
    And see him every day, as they live right here on our place. (rental house)

    I don't blog as much as I have in the past. I'm on Face Book a lot. That's quicker and easier! :) If you ever want to try FB , look me up.(my real name-June Kellum)

    I'm trying to do more blogging, too, because a couple ladies send me emails -saying they miss me! : :)


