Monday, August 13, 2012

Mellow Yellow Monday-Aug 13, 2012- country yellows


Yellow is such a happy color and so summery!!

Here are a few country MYM 
scenes around our place!

~I've heard this called "Walking Iris," but I'm not sure~
~~Pics BELOW~~

~a colorful caterpillar~

~This little yellow flower is a weed but to me it's beautiful in it's own way~

~We have lots of these small, bright yellow, butterflies in summer~

~The last pic is of me and my youngest daughter, Tina. This is from Oct 2011...
My blouse with the yellow flowers seemed to fit this post!

 I just came across the pic and we both look happy in it-I wanted to use it.
 (It made me happy to see it) 
 I don't often post my grown-up children!!
  (usually, just the "Grands!)  :)

 Have a happy summer day!



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