Sunday, January 22, 2006

Poem: Remembering the Butterfly

(this poem came from a memory I've had all these years, from first grade!)

Remembering the Butterfly

I watched as the boys
pinned the butterfly’s wings.
I watched as it struggled,
in vain, to be free.
It’s brief life made briefer.
So soon it was stilled!
And I cried and I grieved,
wondering why this should be!
We gazed at it close–up,
powdery and still.
Pinned dead to the wall,
for those un-told hours!
It’s beauty diminished
in my ’ little girl’ eyes,
compared to it’s ‘Free Flight’
among the spring flowers!

June Kellum
Aug. 2004


  1. What a terrific poem Junie...even though it's a little bit of a sad memory. Butterflies are often an inspiration for many writers and poets.

  2. Thanks, Joy.

    Butterflies are among my favorite things, as you might have figured out!

    Have been enjoying some of your poems today, on your blog. Hope you got my comments there!

    I love your thoughts, poems and stories on Christmas - as I can identify so well with the family things you write about!

