Saturday, January 21, 2006

Today's Ride

Today we went for a motorcycle ride. It's a lovely day but we didn't stay out long.
We went and had our usual Hardee's chicken biscuits. And I have posted a few pics!

I needed to get home...

My little Poodle has not improved at all. My daughter (an RN) thinks she may have had a stroke,
since she was not injured! Her little leg just hangs there, useless! This just happened overnight! I feel so sad because I think
there's nothing to be done for her-except to love her and take care of her till the end!
If I had the $$ I would have her to a vet, but, deep down, I feel that would be useless anyway!
(and would run up bills, probably, in the hundreds...we don't have it!)
Probably the only suggestion would be to put her to sleep!
I prefer to just care for her and love her, as long as she is in no pain.She doesn't seem to be at
this point!

As sad as it is, we have to realize our animals have short life-spans. Peaches is almost 10 years old!

Life is just too darn sad these days!


(Pictures here)


  1. Junie, I'm so sorry about your dog. I hope she isn't suffering. She's very lucky to have you in her life...however long that may be. It's obvious how much you love her...take care...

  2. Thanks, Joy.

    I sometimes wonder if those ppl unable to love pets are better off than me...but...I think not.

    In spite of the inevitable hurt of losing them, it is worth it for what they give!

