Junie's Place: Remembering Mrs.Warren

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Remembering Mrs.Warren

We all seem to be bringing back memories from our past so here am I...

Remembering Mrs. Warren...

my 7th. Grade, home ec. teacher - all those decades ago!

Oh, my!

I wonder if she’s remembered as fondly by my old classmates, as she is by me!
I think so! I bet she is!

Mrs.Warren was a bit of a character- a little pixie kind of lady! To 13-14 year old girls
she seemed old, but looking backward from HERE I realize she was probably mid 40s
at the most!

She was a most excitable type and was always misplacing things and getting in a bit of a lather!

Once she LOST her glasses and had the whole class searching…everyone equally reluctant to tell
her where they were… which was pushed up to the top of her head! :)
Finally she discovered this on her own!
Did she find that amusing? As I recall, she was totally without a sense of humor!
However, smiles were quickly hidden behind hands and giggles, somehow, held in check! At least
until after the class was over!

From the home ec. center we could see the boys practicing on the football field! Kinda hard to keep
your mind on hemming a skirt when it was HIM you wanted to be watching! The work room had
windows that could be easily opened…and it was a short distance from the boys practice field…and
Mrs. Warren was…well... ‘Mrs.Warren’ …a little lax when it came to keeping tabs on her girls! ;)
She was in and out of the room a lot! Maybe taking a little nip, for all I know!
(Might explain some of the weird things she did)

SOME of the girls decided to slip out the window and watch the boys, when the teacher stepped out of
the room! …A daring thing to do but since it was near the end of the class period, worth the risk,
we thought-err-THEY thought!

Was I among them? I ‘m not telling! ;) Mrs. Warren might still be around, for all I know...with her wooden
spoon in hand!

One thing for sure, Mrs. Warren taught us all how to get our spatulas all lined up in a row! ;)

Good Ole Days! Redland Jr. High!
South, Florida
(mid 1950s)


OH!!! Seeing the pic of the heavy books we had to lug around has
brought back one more memory.
(we did not have back packs or lockers in those days in 7th. grade, so had to keep
all our books with us all through the day and take them home at night!)

One day, just like this one in the picture, at the end of the day as we were
walking to wait for the bus home, a boy deliberately knocked my books,
notebooks and papers out of my arms! Just a little boyish prank which I did
not find at all funny! I fought back tears as I scurried to gather my papers and books,
as he laughed and ran away!

"Chet", hope all your adult days have been spent in some boring job that you hate,
pushing papers for someone else! ...And I hope that event that day in school was the
most excitement you ever achieved in life! :)

Lol- I don't forget things easily!, 'Chet!'


These are some of the boys we wanted to watch! ;)
This was graduation day from Jr. High.
They didn't usually come to school so spruced up!


Left to right-

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At 6:07 AM , Blogger Merle said...

Lovely post June. It was good to hear about your school-days and that wretched boy.
Thank you for your lovely comments on my site, and for telling me about your parents. You should put on that in a blog.
Your mother was so lucky to spend her last years so close to you.
In both our cases it was a labor of love,but was difficult at times. Have a lovely day.

At 9:05 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks for reading my ramblings, Merle!

:) Hadn't thought of that boy in years but that picture of us school girls brought it back!

Hope you're having a good day. It's a fine one here.


At 3:19 PM , Blogger Carolyn said...

A great story! Reminds me of my old Home-Ec teacher as well. She was a doozie and very prim! Do you know what became of "Chet?" Why is it we always remember the boogers like that one? LOL! ;)

At 3:37 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Lol- no- thankfully, I lost track of Chet after that year! (the little cowardly twerp!!) :) ...picking on a little shy girl like me!)

:) Do you realize I am reaching back more than 50 years for that memory!
I hope -if I am remembered by anyone from those days- it's not for some dumb, thoughtless, act I did - (as I am remembering that boy!)

Thanks for reading, Carolyn!


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