Friday, February 10, 2006


(from Juniper's World)

It has been a super nice day today...on the cool side but beautiful!

I ventured out early to get some more spider pictures. I read that if I
misted the web with water I could get better pictures.

I found that weird looking little spider still in the same place - just hangin' there on his web; waiting for me!

I sprayed the web with the water sprayer and the web stood out a lot better-
even to the naked eye! I got a few shots...but they were not great pictures,
after all! I upset that poor spider needlessly! :( The problem is the web is
not in a good location- too much clutter in the back ground! I'm hoping to find
a web that can be shot with the blue sky as a background.
It WILL happen! ("Mark my word!" - as Mom used to say)

Had to go out for a few forgotten items at Wal-Mart (and needed to drop a
couple things in the mail box)

...was tempted-and gave in to it...Yes! I bought for myself, Pink Floyd's ,
"Dark Side of the Moon." Have been told it's great- - essential for my
classic rock collections! :)

Just showed my son and he gave me the 2 thumbs up sign!....But...
he says - in his opinion- their next album out was even better ...
"Wish You Were Here!"

All I remember of Pink Floyd is "The Wall!"
Maybe I will see how I like this- later tonight!!

(....continuing my classic rock studies...and having fun! :) )



  1. Cool photo, the spraying with water was a good idea. ec

  2. Yes- an online friend who knows a lot more about photography than I, suggested that.

    :) it's not a great photo but at least the web stands out!!
