Saturday, February 11, 2006

Poem: The Words Said

The Words Said

The words said…sometimes so harsh and cruel.
They leave scars that never fully heal.

They crust over with a covering, superficial,
that only serves, from others, to conceal.

Still, the wound is there below the surface,
and subject to eruptions, evermore.

The careless deeds and hurtful words, thus, spoken,
prevent the healing of this hidden sore.

Words flung out in anger are like daggers.
They pierce the soul and penetrate the heart.

Deflating any feelings of wellbeing.
Leaving loneliness that never will depart.

Still, you search for simple understanding…
make excuses - try to rationalize.

And every time the scab, again, is broken
it manages to take you by surprise.

June Kellum
Sept 2005


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Your poem arrived at a wonderful time. Last night my husband and I had an argument over, of all things, the remote control. Although few words were actually spoken, well looks could kill. I went to bed angry and woke early to visit blogs and found your words of wisdom.

  2. Maria,

    Thanks for your visit . If my poem touched you in some way I am pleased.

    I was reluctant to post this poem here because of the sadness of it... Some people expect poems to always be upbeat and happy - however , LIFE is not always that way!

    :) Hopefully, though, we have more happy times than sad.


    (I DO have some HAPPY poems posted too! :)


  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I like this poem alot Ginga.
    It may be sad but hey, alot of times poems are better when they're sad. lol
    Your happy poems are just as great! =)


  4. Hey Alli,

    Thanks! I'm happy you're reading my poems.

    Yes! Life is not always happy ...I just go with my moods!

    I'm pleased that you like this one!

    ( Lol- maybe I can sell it to Simple Plan! )

    AKA-Junie Rose :)

  5. I'm just so glad that Jesus loves me, warts, scars and all. ec
