Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Expensive mouth

My expensive mouth-

....Today was NOT a good day by any stretch...

Had that dental appointment and as I expected - the tooth had to have a crown.
They did the worst of it today and in two weeks I go back for the finished crown!

It's left me with a sore mouth, and headache, and nearly $1,000.00 poorer!!!
YES!!! That much for one tooth!!

And that's not the end of it, as I have at least ONE more that also needs a crown!
PLUS- a tooth - in front-needs a filling!!! :( I always felt my FRONT teeth were ok! NO WAY!
... :) but- can't lose my smile so will have to get that one fixed soon!

I will have the most expensive mouth around - and none of it has been cosmetic-

OH! Did I mention I have no dental insurance??

(No health ins. of any kind, so lets hope I don't worry myself sick over this dental problem!)

Some days are Diamonds...then you have days like today!!!


Written by juniper5541


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    What an expense. I don't have dental insurance either so I certainly sympathise. Hope it all gets done soon and you tossing that million dollar smile everywhere.

  2. Maria,

    Thanks! Yes- well, I have so much invested already I have to continue on this road I'm on! This is not my first crown! :)

    I got the $$ stashed away for just such things- but I was hoping to be able to spend it on more FUN things!! :)

    ... maybe like a birthday bash such as yours!! What a party you had!! :)


  3. It's incredible how expensive dental work is, isn't it?! It's painful (literally and figuratively!) to have to pay out so much money for something so UN-FUN!!

    Hope your mouth and your wallet feel better soon!

  4. Hi Sky,

    Well, my mouth feels better today- my wallet is still in shock!! :)

    Hope you're doing well.


  5. My kids are just now getting braces. My son had two teeth pulled and will be going in March for his clear braces. My daughter currently wears a retainer, and will then get her clear braces. MONEY!!! Dental work so so expensive. We don't have dental insurance either.

    The pic above of you & your granddaughter is lovely.
    Keep smiling!!!

    Have a nice weekend. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Jamie Dawn,

    Thanks for stopping by and for your nice comments!

    oh yes-I remember those days of braces and retainers as 2 of my 3 kids went through that!
    ...but most of us manage to do the things we need to do...whatever our situations!

    :) I enjoyed poking around your blog a little today! Have been meaning to for awhile!

    I'll be back and hope you will visit me again too!


  7. Ouch! Dentists are so expensive. We don't have dental insurance either, or eye. But we gotta have teeth I suppose. I had an aunt who had hers pulled and never got dentures. She said the only thing she missed about 'em was eating corn on the cob, lol!

  8. :) My dad went without teeth for years...

    AS for my dental situation I suppose It would have been cheaper and better all around if I had gone for dentures instead of the numerous crowns....but I didn't want to...NOW I have a fortune invested in my TEETH! ...and it seems every year or so there's another tooth that needs to be done!!

    Oh, well! I'm WORTH it! :)

  9. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Good comments. But, I do not agree with most of them. People sure have a lot of time on their hands.

  10. Good comments. But, I do not agree with most of them. People sure have a lot of time on their hands.<<

    Yes-ppl DO seem to have a lot of time on their hands these days!
    :)YOU took the time to read-AND comment!

    Thank you, anonymous person!

    2:11 PM

  11. ;} Well, if you're looking for serious stuff, you're in the wrong Blog zone here!
