Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Letting go the geese!

Events Leading up to the poem...

I was finally persuaded to sell our 13 geese, that, truth be told,served no purpose except to annoy and terrorize any animal or person who came near them!

To feed the unpredictable, ungrateful (Foul) fowl, I had to walk with a big stick to keep them away from me!

One memorable day I was holding them back as I tried to turn on the water to freshen the kiddie pool I had set up for them!
I was walking backwards, holding the geese back with a small tree branch I had picked up! Suddenly the flimsy tree limb broke and I fell backward, flat on my bottom!

Granddaddy and another of his flock were on me in a flash! For a moment I felt like 'My Goose Was Cooked' but I quickly 'Took the bull by the horns' so to speak; grabbed a long scrawny neck in each hand and flung the geese away from me! But not before being bitten and bruised by sharp rows of teeth, on my arms and even through my jeans! Teeth!!! If not teeth they certainly pass for such! I had bruises for days after this event!!

Lol! Too bad no one was handy with a video camera. I might have become a star of 'Funniest Home Videos'or whatever that show was called! Silliest old goose lady, more like it!

To add insult to injury , I was scheduled for a minor medical procedure in the hospital soon after this day- and before my bruises faded! The last thing I remembered , as I lay drugged, defenseless, cold and naked on that table, was being asked about the bruises and I tried to explain about the goose attack! :) I doubt that my story was believed...

But this event didn't prompt the sale of my geese! I still felt responsible for them. They were happy in their domain which I had created for them!

Hadn't I rescued some of those very birds-dug them out of the mud from those torrential rains, as they lay helpless on their backs-unable to turn over? Hadn't I even saved some from being trampled by their own mothers when they were babies?
True! So I loved them - as mean as they were!

I just got a bigger stick! :)

...But after a couple more years, I was offered a big price for the whole flock, and with the urging of my husband, finally made the decision to let them go!

...a weird twist to this goose story. The buyers took two geese, (Pd cash in advance for all ) and were supposed to come back for the rest. They had not returned after two months had passed. I had no way to reach the people- not even a name!
Meanwhile, another lady was trying to buy them, and after more than TWO months I agreed to sell them to her! Not happily, tho! :(

I got a combined price of $210.00 for the 13 geese! :)

But I earned it, all those years I had them!


The original buyers never Did come back!




  1. Junie--Thank you for your kind comments at the Jumpers Hole. It's always nice to hear from someone, although I too seldom comment--even the blogs I regularly read.

    I'll stop back again when I have more time to "look around."

  2. Thanks, Lucas,

    Visit when you can! :)


  3. Maybe those first two geese did those folks in - the small amount of experience I've had with geese didn't give me the warm fuzzies about them. ec

  4. :)

    I sure hope not! But maybe they didn't know they needed a BIG STICK!

    Actually, the kids in that family chased the geese down and put them in the cage! So they weren't afraid of them.

    I don't know- It was really strange that they didn't come back. They didn't look like they could afford to pay $100.00 for 13 geese- much less for 2!


  5. Hi June, I've missed a gaggle of posts recently, do you sometimes post more than once per day?
    The geek in me can't help saying, you can include the day or date of posting in your settings, (if you want to!!!)

  6. :)

    ....and you almost missed my GAGGLE of geese!! :)

    Yes, I sometimes do post more than once a day...and I see it only puts a date on the latest post- if you do more than one!

    ...sometimes my posts are connected, somehow- so I just continue with where my thoughts lead me! (as with the geese posts...and they were brought to mind by the DUCK post I did! )

