Friday, April 21, 2006


My shopping day was fine...I pampered myself by buying little things I flowers for the garden and scented candles! LOL- I even bought the expensive clothes dryer sheets instead of the store brand!
(lol- big spender that I am!!)

I also searched the CDs section, looking for anything to buy that I might like! All that caught my eye was a BYRDS cd. I have been wanting to hear their music, since friends on the music forum have often mentioned them! The CD I bought is called 'America's Great National Treasure.' Not knowing a thing about the Byrds I don't know if this is a good representative selection of their music, or not! I'm listening now and sounds very nice...but I need to find lyrics to read before I give my complete seal of approval! :) Has a bit of country sound, at least some of the songs do!

(Also bought some country CDs for my husband, for our anniversary -6 days from now!!)

It's 5:10 here now and has started to rain...the sky prematurely dark. We need the rain so I won't fret about it and as 'they say'...April showers bring May flowers!

Here's a happy song about that!

April Showers
(Al Jolson)

Life is not a highway strewn with flowers,
Still it holds a goodly share of bliss,
When the sun gives way to April showers,
Here is the point you should never miss.

Though April showers may come your way,
They bring the flowers that bloom in May.
So if it's raining, have no regrets, Because it isn't raining rain, you know,
(It's raining violets,) And where you see clouds upon the hills,
You soon will see crowds of daffodils,
So keep on looking for a blue bird,
And list'ning for his song,
Whenever April showers come along.


Yes! Yes!!! on this Byrd's CD! :)



  1. The store brand is OK on some things, but I try to catch the good stuff on sale when I can. I happen to be the grocery shopper of the family and often stock up when cheaper prices are offered. We are expecting rain either tonight or tomorrow, but the weather man has been untruthful before. ec

  2. Yes-I'm always willing to give the store brands a try-but usually-(especially-it seems to me- with canned veggies) they are not as good!

    It is good to find the best brands on sale :) I stock up too!

    We didn't get much rain here, after all!

  3. There's something about shopping...I find it heals a lot of things. I wonder why that is. And music...another healer. I love to just go look at CD's and see what tickle's my fancy. I often buy someone I'm not that familiar with...and have been pleasantly surprised. Of course I've had some duds too. In general, it's better to stick to who you know. You're very good about that.

  4. I've had fun with my NEW music, suggested by friends I met through the music forum.

    Also, my son Chris, has always given me music he thinks I would enjoy. He gave me an early Birthday gift last night, in fact. It's Bryan Ferry*Roxy Music Street Life. I like it a lot.

