Friday, April 21, 2006

Another day (...and it's good!)

Thankfully, I am feeling a lot better today and I will be going out soon to do some shopping.

The tides come and go... and will forever! That's the way of my life.

It's a beautiful day here and I have been watching the birds dine in the feeder from my kitchen nook window; Cardinals and the little wrens. Life is good today!

Last night I had a special time with my music.
I played Jackson Browne first...ending the night with Sarah McLachlan!

These are two of the best songwriters that I know of! Mind you, I may not be a musical expert but I DO know what I like, personally!

Both Jackson Browne and Sarah McLachlan please me with their poetry...POEMS that would touch one, even without music!
Good lyrics are important to me with music. I've had that over the years with Jackson Browne and Dan Fogelberg (my 2 favorites for the past 30+ years) and just recently, with Sarah!

The great lyrics with the soft rock sound of these three performers can't be beat, IMO!



  1. Boy am I glad to hear you are feeling better today, it sure doesn't pay not to visit your blogging friends, all sorts of things happen to them.
    Do hope you keep well, that Neouraphy?? sounded terrible.

  2. Thank you Jacqui,

    Yes, much better today...and am about to go out shopping, in fact! :)
    I'll treat myself to a new music CD if I find something I like!

    And Yes, that Neuropathy ordeal was very if I have any kind of unexplained pain in my legs it scares me -lol- which, in turn, feeds the depression.

    Anyway, all is well at 'Junie's Place' today.
    Hope you're having a good day too- :) or night, probably! :) (
    I don't know about the time difference between our countries1)

