Saturday, April 08, 2006

Again we ride!

Today's ride took us to the north and east, to Palatka; about 65 miles from where we live!

It was a fine day for a ride when we started out. The return trip, though, turned out to be a little too breezy and at times I felt like I was about to take flight- backwards! The wind gusts seemed determined to make their way into my helmet and just lift me off that bike!...But we made it home, safe and sound...or at least-safe! :)

We left home about noon and didn't get back until around 5:30...another LONG ride!

This is me-taking pics as we ride! :)

We stopped at a flea market along the way , ( I know not where-all these little North Florida places are much the same to me! :) ) somewhere past Fort McCoy!
We didn't find anything we wanted...except Charles saw some pasture gates he could use...:) Just couldn't figure out how he could transport them on the motorcycle! But we DID get these pics of US!

Going through Palatka, Charles saw these old cars parked in front of a restoration garage, The 1934 Ford , especially, caught his eye! (the pic he's in) He said he learned to drive in a car just like this one!
The other car is a Plymouth...1928??? (He wasn't sure of that one-and I certainly don't know...being NOT up on old cars!!)
But these were nice!!

On our windy return trip we stopped at this neat place where they sold all sorts of garden and yard ornaments.

The little lizard reminded me of my recent sad happenings in my laundry room and I would have bought one of these colorful little guys...but Chas. said 'no way'. They were $25.00! I told him if they had been$15.00 each I would have 'Let' him buy me one! :) He laughed and said, 'Gee,thanks!' Thuth is- I thought they were priced too high, too, or I would have insisted that I 'needed' to have one! (they were about 10 in. long)

The Lady Liberty was beautiful. She stood about 10 ft. tall! This symbol of our country always thrills me.

It was a good day.



  1. That looked and sounded like a very good day - the pictures were great and helped in picturing the trip in my mind. It sounded like a good time of the year to ride (except for the wind) and a lot of sights to see. ec

  2. Thanks,Mr Eddie,

    I'm glad you enjoyed viewing our photos!
    It was a fun day.

    The month of May we probably won't ride much as that's the time of the Love-Bugs!
    (May and September!)

    Do you have them in S.C?

  3. Boy, you and Charles sure cover a lot of territory...and always come across such fun and interesting things. Thanks Junie.

  4. Yes, we do have fun with the bike!

    When ever we ride it's usually a few hours!

    Thanks for visiting me often,Joy!

    See you soon at your place. :)

  5. Lovely, Junie... I always enjoy your pics and stories of your biking adventures!

  6. Hi June ~~ Another nice ride and with pictures! Sounds like a lovely day
    for you and Charles. Cheers, Merle.

  7. Thanks,

    Merle and Skye,

    We enjoy the rides and, of course,
    I always have to record it all with pictures! :)


  8. A biker babe and her man!
    What fun times you have together! That is so nice.
    Ilike that lizard too. I agree that $25 is a bit steep.
    I would love to be able to buy a couple of old cars like that and give one to my dad and one to my daughter. They are the ones who like old cars. I'd have to look for the latest hot rod kind of cars for my hubby and son.

  9. jamie dawn said:

    A biker babe and her man!<<

    LOL! But No Tattoos! :) - we just playing at it!

    We do enjoy the rides and all the interesting things we encounter along the way!

    Yes, those old cars were neat! Charles has always had an interest in old cars and trucks. He has a 1952 ford truck (I think that's right1) that he is having restored right now!
    When it's finished I'll put a pic on!


  10. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Ginga..I love the picture you look in the mirror...but that still seems quite unsafe to me. lol

  11. :) nahh- it was safe!
    ...Was just hanging over Gabbo's shoulder a little!

    Thanks for visiting!



  12. You two certainly give that bike a work out, sounds great.

  13. Yep, we do ride often-and usually for long rides!

    The month of May, tho, will not be a good time for riding- because of the Love-Bugs! They are a real pest here during the month of May and again in September!

