Friday, April 07, 2006

Music Stuff!!

A couple in our neighborhood are moving soon and today they are having a yard sale!

Here are some things we bought!

Charles bought me -THIS!


It's a Yamaha FG-400 Guitar!

Do I play guitar, you ask!
NOOO! But do you think 65 is too old to learn a new thing! :)
I don't think so!! :)

I know nothing about guitars but he got this for $100.00. Wonder if that's a good price!
Do any of my readers know?

Also got this classical music collection- LPs

All the LPs were 50 cents each!!

Including, in addition to the classical albums-

BJ Thomas-Amazing Grace

Eagles Greatest Hits Vol 2

James Taylor-Never Die Young

Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol 2

and THIS !!

Can't wait to have a listen of this one!!

Quite a music haul, eh!! :)



  1. Hi Junie, I've been having some computer problems and I'm just trying to catch up now. Looks like you came away with some pretty cool stuff. Love the guilar...reminds me of the one I had when I was about 20. Good deal.

  2. $100 is not a bad price for a used guitar, although it depends on the make and how gently it's been used. It's beautiful! I could play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" on it for you, if you like! I used to play classical guitar during my high school years, but most of that has gone the same way as my high school French lessons! :)

  3. You did good! Don't know much about guitars, but by the picture it looks to be in great shape.

  4. Yammie makes some nice guitars, relatively inexepensive and well built with good tone. The main thing that will determine if its playable or not is to measure the height of the strings above the 12th fret or so ... if its 1/16 to 1/8th of an inch then its playable ... any higher than that and there could be structual problems in the bridge area. The bridge area should be as flat as possible with very little (if any) 'bulge' within it.

    Unfortunately, a 'bulge' within this area would indicate a unfixable structual problem within the guitar, as this is the area under the most stress ... the guitar would be literally ripping itself apart!

    Other than that, even if the above were happening, the guitar would be mostly playable on the lower frets for simple open chords ... which is where the majority of our fave tunes are played anyways :)

    I'm not familiar with Yammie's FG-400, noticed that it gets good reviews in tone and durability by doing a Google of it. I did have a FG-75 once ($35 at a yard sale) but it suffered from the above malady :( I was gonna use it for firewood kindling but instead gave it to my boss who gave it to his son ... who eventually tossed it in the fireplace anyways! Oh well, at least the kid was happy with it for a few weeks ......... LOL ;)


  5. MM,

    Thanks for all that info.

    It seems to be ok- as for as the height of the strings! I just checked it.

    :) anyway... just something to learn on- as I KNOW NOTHING of how to play or how to even begin to learn!

    Lol- I'll get me a Martin or Taylor a little farther down the road! :)


  6. To-

    Hale McKay,

    Yes, it's in great shape- seems to be , anyway!

    ...just another little project for me! :) since I needed something more to take up my time!


  7. Skye,

    Wish you were close by - as learning even 'Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star'would be something! :)

    ...But-I'll give it my best try!

    I just borrowed a book from Alli, my granddaughter. It's 'The Encyclopedia of Guitar Picture Cords' I told her I would return it to her after my first concert! LOL!


  8. Joy,

    Yah- here I am getting myself into something new!

    Oh, well!!

    Good little learner guitar, I think!


  9. Oh, and forgot to mention that ya got some real good stuff in Gershie's "Rhapsody In Blue", Mozzie's 'Greatest', "Swan Lake", Shubee Doo Shubert, and of course that #9 album in the Clouds by one of the Mop Tops .. one of my all time Fab albums by a post-Beatles 'soloist' (as it were) ... :)

    Enjoy yer Classical listens ... we're gonna turn you into a Country Music fan before ya know it ..... LOL


  10. Hi June ~~I love garage sales but don't
    get to many these days.
    The guitar looks nice, and because you enjoy music so much, I am sure you will
    be able to learn to play it. And NO NO
    you are never too old to learn new things. Good luck, Merle.

  11. MM

    Oh, yes, some GOOD classical music- I had a good afternoon of listening, yesterday!

    And , another good thing, all of these albums are in excellent condition!

    BTW- had a chance to play 'Cloud Nine' and have to agree it's 'Up There!' :)
    I played it through, twice , late last night.

    That listen left me on 'Cloud Nine ' too! (SMILE)

    George Harrison was SOOO talented!


  12. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for the encouragement!
    But after looking at my granddaughter's Chord book it looks hard!
    Still, I am determined to give it my best shot!

    Yes, I love yard sales too! You often find good stuff for little $$$. I buy a lot of books at yard/garage sales.

    Charles mentioned a ride awhile ago so I have to get ready!

    Enjoy your day!


  13. Yard Sales,or garage sales as they are mainly called here, are the greatest. I can spot the sign for one, no matter how small, Walter often tried to go past quickly so that I wouldn' see, but he has given that up, and tells me about them now.

    There were three here in our little town yesterday, and I managed to come away with some craft items to add to my stash.

    I have posted some more photos at Bears Galore, hope you enjoy looking, jacqui.

  14. Hi Jacqui,

    I surely will take a look at your new pictures!
    I love looking!

    I have done a lot of crafts over the years and some are here ,in my earlier posts. You might enjoy looking!

    Yes, yard/garage sales have always been fun for both Charles and me! :) we're both collectors of STUFF! :) Pack-rats- more like it!

