Tuesday, April 04, 2006

...Of Lizards and Roses and Missing Mice

NOT one of my better days!!

This all started several nights ago when I went to put a load of laundry in. I got a glimpse of a small , brownish, thing as it scurried quickly out of sight under the washer! Being a country girl, and, indeed, just a girl with many years of experience-period, (country or otherwise!) I quickly determined it had to be a mouse!

As Charlie is fond of saying,"This ain't my first big job!!" With that in mind I dug out my trusty little mouse traps! (Yes, I HAVE needed them before) I set them up with bits of cheese and carefully managed to push 2 of them to the side and toward the back of the machine! They were out of harm's way of the Folks and dogs in the house, with a clothes basket guarding the front!

Every day I would check those traps but they remained undisturbed. I convinced myself the little mouse had just wandered in and most likely had wandered out again; had 'left the building!' LOL- I'm easily persuaded to look on the brighter side, whenever possible!

Today I happened to glance toward the traps and saw they had both been sprung! They were both upside down! I saw no fur...but something had gone for that cheese!

....meanwhile-back tracking a few days...

I discovered I had another kind of critter invasion in my laundry room-the little lizards that are just EVERYWHERE around here! Dozens are spotted everyday around the place...the garden the porch the driveway-garage-and now , my laundry room!
I have never had a fear or dislike of the little lizards so I paid little attention to them. Just transported them outdoors when I could and ignored them when I couldn't catch them!
However-twice in the past few days I've had to fish drowned, water filled, dead little lizard bodies out of my finished loads of laundry! Not fun!... Plus-I had to do the laundry over!!!

I have to assume they got there accidentally ! Can't imagine a suicidial lizard choosing such a way to go! ...Jumping into a tub of scalding hot water and detergent and bleach...among dirty socks and underwear... not to mention the AGITATION!!
~~A Mystery!

...SOOO- back to today-
I got my broom and swept out the 2 traps...and this is what I found! The 2 traps had sprung-doing the job as you see it!! I'm sorry! :(

Still...I wonder about the mouse too- and I suppose I will have to reset some traps!
You do what you have to do!

After this ordeal I walked around the back yard...looked at my roses and spied several lizards!
This one was shy and wouldn't let me get a close-up of him!
Maybe word has spread already that I set a MEAN trap! HOPE SO!

Just -
Another Tricky Day!



  1. That WAS (past tense) some tough lizard to take on two traps at the same time. Great rose at the end. ec

  2. Eww, eww, EWWWW!!!!!!

    Decapitated lizards, WITH photo!! Junie, what is this blog coming to?!? :) :)

  3. I've never heard of catching a lizard in a mouse trap before, always something new around.

  4. Hi June ~~ Sorry you are having livestock problems. Most of us get a mouse or two at times. I usually manage
    to do this when I have visitors.!!!
    Glad you learned about Love. It is so important in all it's various modes.
    Romantic love, parental love, brotherly
    love, friendship love etc.
    I liked the one that you did ~ "tell it
    often, people forget." Cheers, Merle.

  5. Well, as gruesome as it was, maybe it served as a warning to the other lizards....stay away, and don't come near my laundry! Good Luck with those critters Junie.

  6. We have lots of lizards around here too, but thankfully for their sake and mine they prefer to stay outside sunning themselves.

  7. Hi Jacqui,


    :) Sorry your first visit to my place was so

    Yesterday was just not such a fun day around here!

    I usually write about happier things like grandkids and flowers!


  8. Mr Eddie,

    :( That poor lizard. I felt really bad about catching him like that-tho, it was probably a quicker way to go than the 2 that I found in my washing machine!

  9. Lol! Skye,

    Did I go too far with that picture?

    Hopefully, I won't have another encounter like that one again!


  10. Thanks , Joy,

    I left those traps at the end of my garage -as a warning to the others! :)

    The MICE are the ones I truly hope will take the hint!


  11. Thanks for your visit, Kyle,

    I think the drowned ones in the wash were harder for me to deal with- as I had to feel the little dead bodies as I was getting them out! (through a paper towel, of course!)

    ...but the one in the traps was gruesome...

    I do not like to see or have anything to do with killing any living creature...The mice, I know are dirty and destructive so it doesn't bother me so much to try and get rid of them.
    ...but I never would have deliberately killed a lizard. A few times I have thrown a wet paper towel over them to safely put them out- when I have found them in the house!

    I even do spiders that way, if possible!

    ...so I felt bad about the lizards!


  12. Peter,

    That's my first time ever of catching a lizard in a trap!

    I HATED it and I bet- so did he!! :)


  13. (Merle said)

    Hi June ~~ Sorry you are having livestock problems. Most of us get a mouse or two at times. I usually manage
    to do this when I have visitors.!!!<<<

    :) Yes!

    Once, at one of Mom's earliest birthday-reunions which we had for her every year...
    a mouse surfaced in my KITCHEN as I and other women guests were getting th food ready FOR THE BBQ-party!

    OH,MY ! How embarassing that was! Of course they were mostly family- but still...

    Oh,well- mice- etc. are all just a part of our lives!


  14. Don't worry, Junie. I was just teasing you! :)

  15. I know!

    :) ... but it was a BAD picture!


  16. We thought we had a mouse in my bedroom closet. Could hear little scratching sounds, but never saw any "signs" of it or found anything it had torn in to. Of course, it was always after we went to bed and almost asleep before the noises began. Hubby set the trap and we checked it all week. Meanwhile I had to be very careful where I stuck my toe in my closet, lol! We never caught a thing. Now we believe it may be a bat in between the closet wall and attic. Ugh!

  17. A bat!! Yikes!

    We have also had a problem in the past with birds nesting in the chimney. Not sure what kind they are, but sometimes would make these errie sounds!


  18. Anonymous2:49 AM

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