Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Poem: Ginga's Lament

...O.K. Maybe other grandparents can relate to this - maybe not!

Is it only me?

Growing pains for Ginga - and it has not been easy!

Me and the 'Grands' in 1995. It's not a good picture but it's us all together! This was one of our' bonfire' times.

Ginga’s Lament

Remember the old days when our house
was the place they all wanted to be?
Where they never would run out of cookies,
where all were contented and free?

Where a nap could be taken - or not!
…And with so many things to explore!
Sadly, those days have bypassed us.
They’re, plainly, not here any more!

Wet slip ‘n’ slides in the summer…
with baby girl turned bowling pin,
knocked down ’accidentally’ by brother,
viewed on film, again and again!

Halloween parties and birthdays,
Easter egg hunts, by the score...
Football games and award days,
I miss them; it seems, more and more.

Remember the late nights of TV
with kids laying flat on the floor?
Thick quilts to cushion their slumber?
When did that stop, I implore?

And late nights of telling ghost stories,
of scaring each other and such.
The bonfires we had in the winter…
those things I am missing so much!

The golf cart rides in the pasture.
The reckless abandon of some…
crashing the cart into fences…
‘Accidentally’ having some fun.

Still, on holidays, we gather.
The grandkids are grown, don’t you see?
They’re all here… but things are so different.
The constants are just you and me!

Hugs are exchanged and ‘I LOVE YOUs!’
The rituals held close to our hearts.
But no one is asking for cookies.
And, oh, I am missing that part!

Whole summers were spent here together.
HERE was the first choice of all.
How did it all go so quickly?
And when did our kingdom fall?

June Kellum
July 31, 2005


  1. One of your best June, but what's it doin' here you have a poetry blogsite remember.

  2. Thank you, Peter.

    I will probably, eventually, put it on the poetry site too, but for now just wanted to put it here!

    ...Not sure people have found that site yet!


  3. We are still blessed that our 'grands' are young and still think it a big deal to Granna and Pop pop's. But we have one turning 13 in about a month and then the time will be a blur. ec

  4. Ah, what a touching and sad poem. It reminisces about so many wonderful times and then talks about the eventuality of kids growing up and adding new places of importance to their lives.
    I'm sure they STILL LOVE your cookies, though.
    Even if they don't ask, I hope you still make them for them. If I were there, I'd eat several for sure!

  5. I am so not looking forward to being in that place with my kids and grandkids, Junie. I often get overwhelmed by being the center of my kids' universe, but if I think about it, I don't actually want it any other way. I'll feel a great sense of loss when they have lots of "better" things to do than be around their mother.

    One good thing, though... your grandkids have all those great memories of times spent with you, which they can keep in their hearts forever, even when they're off doing other things. I regret that my kids rarely see any of their grandparents. They are missing out... the kids AND the grandparents are all missing out. It's wonderful that your grandkids have been able to be around you so much and make so many fun memories with you. :)

  6. Hi June ~~ This is a really good poem,
    and the best thing, where you are concerned, is that you have such a great
    "you and me" to be left with all those
    terrific memories. Enjoy all their
    future achievments and know you have given them those things to look back
    on. One of my grand-daughters, who is
    18, often sends e-mails ad always ends
    with "Love Always" which is nice,
    Cheers, Merle.

  7. Just love the poem, may I print it out?
    I have been through the house full every holdays, in fact when I built my little house I made the upstairs one big room with about 10 beds in it so that there was always room for everyone, sadly not many of them get filled these days.

    Your idea of making bears for the family out of your mum's old clothes is a perfectly splendid idea, what wonderful christmas presents they would make.

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    A wonderful poem and you have wonderful memories. Not all of us were blessed with Grandchildren. I have kind of adopted a friend's five year old as my grandchild, but in truth, it is not the same thing.

  9. I am overwhelmed with all your nice comments!

    (Merle,Jacqui,Maria,Jamie Dawm, Mr.Eddie,Skye, Peter)

    :) Sorry to sound like such a 'whiner!'
    It's just been a wonderful experience being such a part of my 4 grandchildren's lives, and I've felt a bit at loose ends -having them all grow up !...but as the saying goes, 'Don't be sorry it's over, be happy it happened!"

    Yes, SKYE, ENJOY those kids of yours- because time really has a way of getting away from you.

    And MrEddie, I can tell from reading your posts you are a wonderful granddad and enjoy that role! You're making good memories!

    Jacqui, of course you may print the poem out. :) I'm glad you like it that much! It's such a personal poem I didn't know if it would appeal to a lot of people. I'm glad you like it.
    ...and -Yes-I DO hope I can get the bear project underway soon. I have a perfect pattern of an old fashioned type bear, and I made one for myself a few years back- but making i with Mom's things will be special!

    Maria, I remember reading of your little girl that you consider a granddaughter! That'll work! :)I can tell you are one who has a lot of love to share!

    Jamie Dawn- thanks!! :) It's true tho- the cookie part! One of my grandkids (Zach-the one we spent less time with because they don't live in our town) told his mom...I like going to Ginga's house 'cause she never runs out of cookies!! :)

    And , yes, Merle, that 'I love you' from a grandchild will always be very special!



    Thanks, all of you , for being so kind and reading my poems!

  10. Very well written Junie! Our grandkids are only 1 - 6 years old, but I do rememember when the stepkids still lived here and those scenes played out here too. Hubby's mom and aunt would fly in from NJ and spend holidays and a week in summer. The boys gave up their rooms to them and slept in sleeping bags on the den floor. Each day was filled with "showing off" in front of their grandma and getting to eat more cookies than usual, etc. Both she and hubby's aunt are gone now, and the boys have families of their own. Ah, time sure does fly doesn't it?

  11. Carolyn, time does fly too quickly!

    Enjoy those little ones...:) Well, I see you are- by the pics you posted recently!


  12. Hey,
    Thanks for sharing that poem. I'm not a grandparent yet, still, I could relate. I remember so many fun summers spent on my grandparents' farm. So much fun, memories and stories by the bucket full. I find myself missing those days more and more, especially since my grandparents have passed on. But I have the memories.

  13. Thanks Doug,

    I'm happy you enjoyed the poem!

    We moved here (Ocala) from Miami, when all the grandkids were small and we ALL enjoyed this country-farm life! Of course it's not a REAL farm...but we went through all the motions of making it farm-like! :) We've had every farm animal- except horses!

