Monday, April 17, 2006

Poem: Today I'll Open Up My Heart

a poem...

(ALSO-New poem here!!)

Today I’ll Open Up My Heart

Today I’ll open up my heart.
The words will flow, to you from me.
All the feelings, guarded, so,
now are clamoring to be free.

No longer can I hold it in,
this all-consuming love that’s here.
Now, like a bird, it’s taking flight;
no longer can be caged, I fear!

In time it’s grown to overflow,
the flimsy space I thought secure!
And now the words, in freedom fly!
I can’t contain them anymore.

I’ll bare my heart to you, my love.
I’ll take my chances, risk the pain…
relying on the old cliché
of ‘Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.’

June Kellum


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Hey Ginga,
    I like that poem alot! :-]
    Wayne just said he's gonna call you "Bloggma" [mix of blogger and grandma] you have a new nickname now, let everyone know haha

  2. LOL!

    OK- I can always use another nick!

    But tell Wayne he has to visit my blog to make it official! :)

    OH! Glad you like the poem, Alli...
    now - put it to music! We'll become famous! :)


    Ginga, JunieRose, Juniper, GatorKiddo,
    June Bug, etc-etc :)

  3. I really like this poem Junie...I love the title. Should I call you Bloggma now?

  4. Thanks, Joy.

    :) nahh- Alli's friend hasn't made it official yet!! :)

    Besides, I'm different names to different people.


  5. Nice poem. Sharing what's in our hearts is often taking a risk. It feels good to open up though.

    I enjoyed the Easter pics.

  6. This is a realy awesome poem! Awesome ending!

  7. JD,
    Thanks for reading my poems...some that go on here I have had in a folder for years, so it's nice to be sharing them-with ppl who seem to appreciate reading them!

    ''Yes , our Easter was a good one, although not all the family could be here!

    Hope yours was wonderful too!


  8. JustAnotherGirl,

    Thanks very much, for reading my poem and your comments! :)

    Visit again.


  9. Hi June ~~ Lovely poem again. Thanks for your kind words, I am honored that you
    read me first. Wont be any for a few days. But I will be back.
    Keep well. Cheers, Merle.

  10. Thanks Merle,

    You'll be missed!

