Sunday, April 16, 2006

Then and now

Hope everyone has had a Happy Easter day!

Ours was missing some family members
but we enjoyed being with the ones who WERE here!


Those missing...
Dan-Tammy-Terry and Zach! ;(

A pic from the past-1970 (Me and my kids)

And some from today...

Alli, Brian (grandchildren)

June and Charles (US)

Marc, Tina (daughter & son-in-law))

Chris & General (my son & my cat)


  1. Hello June ~~ Great photos. Lovely one
    of you and the kids, but the present day
    one with Charles is also great.
    Glad you had a good time with family.
    They are the best times, aren't they?
    My next week will be like that.
    In a way I am glad kids do not think time flys, as they have all their lives ahead of them. And it is too quick for
    us oldies. Cheers, Merle.

  2. You're right, family times are the best!

    I know you will enjoy your visits next week! Have a safe and fun trip!


  3. Happy Easter, JuniRose! Hey, I love to see a family with guitar players! That young guy looks like he's playing a Taylor Guitar - my own personal favorite weapon of choice!

  4. Hi Stringman,

    Hope you and your family had a happy Easter too!

    We did! :)

    Yes, Brian's guitar is a Taylor! He has been playing for awhile and is getting better all the time- writes songs, too!
    And his little sis, Alli, is also learning to play, as is their cousin, Zach!

    Lol! Three of my 4 grandkids have guitars and are learning to play them!

    sooo- I thought I'd give it a try, myself! Chas. bought me a Yamaha FG 400, which, I hope, is an ok guitar for a beginner!

    I figured if others could learn to play- so could I! :) (I HOPE I can)
    Wish me luck!


  5. Easter was a nice relaxing day here at the DJ house. Two of my four kids were with me...had a nice dinner, played poker and trivia, and just hung out. I wish my other two girls weren't so far away, but we all talked by phone. Looks like your day was very nice too Junie. Love the photos of your family...even though they ALL weren't there. You all look wonderful. Hugs, Joy

  6. Joy,

    Yes, we had a nice day, tho , would have been better to have them all here.
    Happy you had a fun time too!

    Hugs to you, too.


  7. Hi Junie, looks like a wonderful day for you. Mine was quiet with my children scattered about. The phone is a wonderful thing to keep in touch. Thanks for visiting my blog.:)

  8. Yes-I know how that is-when your children get scattered! I'm still trying to get used to it! 9Especially having the grandkids grown up!) :)

    LOL- but I won't whine! (at least I try not to, too often)

    Thanks for your visit!


  9. Hi June, I'm not going to try to influence you BUT I opened a new site for photos only, I'm just sayin'

  10. Saw your new picture site- nice pics!


  11. Sure looks like you were enjoying those that were there.
    We were able to spend last easter with my youngest daughter and her four (now five) children, they really enjoyed egg hunting. Here we mostly hide small chocolate eggs, but the kids love it just the same.

  12. Jacqui,

    You are lucky to still have young ones in your family. My baby is Allison and she's 15 now!

    I sure miss the old days. It's been a hard trip for me, the past 3 years or so...all the changes! (of losing Mom,3 years ago, and having my babies all grow up! :) )
    You see, Mom lived with me for the last 12 years of her life-and we took care of our grands too, for most of their lives)

    I've had to find a new direction-seek out new things to interest me!

    Blogging has become a big part of that! :)

    Thanks for visiting!

