Monday, May 01, 2006

Farm Life of the Past: Chopping Cotton

...This is a little look into the life of my husband and some of his brothers and sisters lives in the mid- 40s!

Chopping Cotton

It was mid-summer in the cotton field in Alabama, with tempers rising right along with the temperature!
Each face was soon glistening with sweat, attracting a light coating of the dust that resulted with the hoe working the weeds from between the cotton stalks.

The long and weedy rows of cotton seemed to go on and on, endlessly!

This summer the two pre-adolescent sisters, little more than a year apart in age, were getting on each others nerves in a big way.

The brothers, working along with them moved ahead with their work at a good pace, wanting the day’s work to end… though that was not likely to happen before sundown!

The girls, though, seemed to have found a diversion from the boring job of - chop-chop-chop!

The boys, on more than one glance backward toward their younger sisters, had seen
the two girls going at each other- tooth and nail- along with hair pulling! At times, all to be seen was a swirl of dust, as the girls went round and round!

One was overheard saying to her sister, “I wouldn’t mind fightin’ with you if you’d take a bath once in awhile!”

LOL…Life on the farm…

June Kellum


  1. They were just getting me started into the 'chopping cotton' when we moved from the farm - was in first grade. The one thing I do remember is the dirty feet - don't think we wore shoes all Summer, except to church. ec

  2. ec,

    :) I, too, didn't experience the cotton chopping first hand but my older brother and sisters did. (in Alabama)

    ...but I grew up in South Florida. Charles and I met in South Fl. He was stationed there (Homestead) in the Air Force-stayed there after he got out.


  3. I enjoyed this! I've always loved the "old south" and wished I'd grown up there-- and had some sisters too ;)

    After reading the post below, wouldn't it be great if you could get that log shed!

  4. “I wouldn’t mind fightin’ with you if you’d take a bath once in awhile!”

    Now that's a line to remember!!!!!!

  5. Yes, I have wanted to get that log building for so long...especially with the history of it!...BUT Charles seems to think it would not be possible! I KNOW it could be done, tho!!

    We'll be going up, end of July again, so maybe we will at least inquire about it-see if it can be bought- first step :)


  6. :) yes, Peter,

    I have always liked that line!

    ( And I know it's true with all the times I have heard that story over the years!)

    You have to get the picture in mind, of these girls and boys in a hot, dusty cotton field, to fully appreciate the statement!
    (and remember, only wellwater to be drawn for baths!)


  7. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Cool post. Is "chopping" different than "picking" or "pulling?" What time of year did this happen? What about rain or frost?

  8. Hi Annie B.

    Chopping is done as the cotton plants grow...and what it is is getting the weeds out from between the plants...also- thinning of the plants -so the stalks are not growing too close together.

    Picking of the cotton is done in the fall- .

    (lol- this is all just from my memories of my husband's stories so you might need to check the facts!)

    You might like some more of my husband's stories...check my side bar under my family blogs, if interested!

    Thanks for reading us here!


  9. Hi Junie,
    my name is Jackie. I was just updating my day after Thanksgiving blog post, that referenced in a small way - chopping cotton/picking cotton. I wanted to find a defining link to attach to my article, and found you! I read in wonderment and then decided to drop you a note. HOPE YOU DON'T MIND. We're from two different worlds and have definitely had different (family) experiences regarding the same activity. I especially like your explanation of when chopping cotton and picking cotton is/was done.

    If you like, you can read more here:

    Many blessings!
    Jackie in Dallas
