Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Today-present day farm life in Anthony


It pleases me that some of you- my blogging buddies- are reading "my Farm Life of the Past" series. Thanks!
Today, though, I'm taking a break from the past and living in the present day farm life, here in Anthony!

Last night, as I was shampooing my hair, the hot water ran out... I was able to finish up- but with a few shivering moments..

So first thing on Charlie's plan today was to tackle the problem. He quickly determined one of the heating elements had to be replaced!
(my husband can fix anything!- Or at least he will try , before calling a repairman!) So off he goes in search of the replacement part...
As I was settling in with my 2nd. or 3rd. cup of coffee, and catching up on reading of blogs, the doorbell rings!! I hate that - when I'm not yet dressed for the day- not knowing who or what to expect! I saw through the curtins it was a sheriff's car...so I HAD to open the door-regardless of how I was dressed - or NOT!

It was a couple of sheriffs officers, asked for my husband by name...Before I could panic , I was told it was about our cows being out ! I explained that my husband wasn't home at the moment but I would try and reach him by cell phone.

My husband and cell phones don't work too well together...he seldom has the phone near him - or he's failed to charge it...or he's in an area where he gets no signal...or ... he forgets to check for messages...whatever reason- I often cannot reach him!
(Especially when I really, really need to!!)

However, I DID try - 4 times - unsuccessfully! Finally, after about an hour he checked his messages and called me and was, soon, on his way home to deal with the problem!

He repaired the fence-got a warning this time...was told it would be $100.00 a head, if it happened again!

As I expected he would, he expressed once again the thought of getting rid of the cows! :) I doubt that he will do that!

For the moment, the cows are safe!
(Those Mom cows pictured are- top to bottom-Janet Reno-Misty and Sunshine-we still have the cows but the babies were sold! :(


...so- here am I with plenty of hot water...dishes and laundry waiting to be done...

I am listening to 'Eagles Greatest Hits'...You can't get much better than 'Eagles' at their best!




  1. The hot water heater going out is not a good thing and I can relate to hunting down the parts, draining the tank, replacing the parts and then refilling and testing. Maybe the cows got out to hunt hot water or at least y'all almost got into hot water by them being out. :) ec

  2. Dear June ~~ What fun! and don't we always get caught in our dressing gowns?
    Glad the cows are safe again and neither
    you or Charles went to the lock-up.
    You are so lucky to have a Mr Fix-it
    as there is always something to fix.
    Thanks for your visit and glad you
    liked the joke. Cheers, Merle.

  3. Hi June, Sandy started writing the poem on a napkin in the pub at Stratford on Avon, unknow to me of course. She gave it to me, framed just as we were leaving for the airport.

    Our hot water ran out last weekend, it was Walter under the shower, we are on bottled gas (butane) so all he had to was change the bottles over, after he had dried and dressed.
    Love the stories about the farm and the early days.

  4. ec

    LOL- Yep we were in danger of getting into more 'Hot Water' than we could handle, but it turned out ok.

    Charles may be right in considering selling the cows. They are a big aggravation, at times!...They always seem to find a way out of that fence.

    (The grass always looks greener on the other side!)


  5. Hi Sherry,

    Thanks for your visit!

    Yes-Not fun getting an unexpected blast of COLD water- but Charlie fixed it real quick!

    (he just informed me the love bugs are out- right on time-May and September...so I guess we won't be riding the motor cycle much til the end of May!) :( hate that!!


  6. Hi Merle,

    Yah, things seem back to normal on this little farm! He's gone now to check the cows- I HOPE they haven't found a way out again!

    I think I may go shopping for a few new things for myself today! Lol- It's my birthday's the 5th., so I'll buy me some things -in case the family forgets! HAHA

    The birthdays really start to pile up on us, don't they! Would be nice if we could turn the years back the other way!

    :) I'm just being silly this morning!


  7. Hi Jacqui,

    Thanks for your visit-

    And what a sweet thing for your friend to do- with the poem! I know you treasure that-and ALL the memories of that wonderful trip !

    :) I'm going to go get a quick-WARM- shower and go out for a little shopping!

    Hope you're having a good day! (Or- is it night?)


  8. Glad it all turned out okay Junie. I can imagine your face when you saw the two sheriff's officers walking to your door. I guess those cows got a new lease for now. At least you ended your day with some great music...THE EAGLES....GREAT!

  9. :)

    Yah, Joy, I was a little startled seeing those officers walk to my door but it all ended ok!

    I just got back from shopping - bought myself 3 prs. shoes! (My girls always laugh at me because I NEVER buy just one pr. of shoes! The reason is simple, tho...I wear a small size and when I find my size in shoes I like I end up getting several pr.!! LOL- Anyway- I deserve it! (My B'Day is the 5th!) I got extra lucky today as the store had a lot of stuff- on sale PLUS- SENIORS GOT AN EXTRA 15% off everything!
    LOL! Somedays it's fun to be old! heehee


  10. Some days it IS fun to be old; and if I could find a way to ONLY have those days...I'll let you know.

    Hey, one of the most rewarding things in life...is getting a good bargain. It sounds like you sure did...3 pairs of shoes...good for you Junie. Your birthday is in two days....you can celebrate early. Just in case I forget or something...Happy Birthday a little early sweet Junie....you deserve all that's good in life.

  11. Glad to say that cows getting out is one problem I don't have to encounter. Lucky Charles!

    Few bands can top the Eagles vocals. Even now.

  12. Stringman,

    :) yah-C. keeps saying they're going...but I honestly don't know what he'd do if he didn't have something , outside, to do!

    Yep-Eagles are /were great!
    Tonight it's BobSeger for me! :)

    Catching up on my music listens!

