Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Hard Day's Night

...and I've been working like a dog!

Really! I HAVE been!

...and I should be sleeping like a log!


If I disturbed the Gnome's domain, I'm sorry!

Just HAD to do some cleaning up in the side yard today!
I was thrilled that C. agreed to help me dispose of some junk
that had accumulated around the BBQ patio! We worked for
maybe 3 hrs. ...mostly just hauling and stashing stuff out of
sight in the numerous little outbuildings we have around the place!

We have a good storage area under the playhouse that Charles built
when the grandkids were little! It's a playhouse that is built 10 ft.
or more UP...like a tree house, and under the giant Live oaks. In the
beginning we had a sandbox under the house, which the kids enjoyed a lot.
The little house (8X8- Plus a porch) was set up with a tv and video game player,
at one time... and AC! It has stairs going up to the house,onto the porch and
you have a choice of ways to get down...either by the stairs or down the other
side by way of a SLIDE! That was a fun thing with all the kids!

The past several years the house has just been a storage place for some of my
son's things- except Charles and I go up there to sit on the little porch sometimes!

These days we use the space under the house for a junk storage space...
garden tools etc... Last summer we closed 3 of the sides in with lattice panels!
(NOTE: the left over scraps from this project is what Charles used for that
make-shift trellis recently! LOL- He did that to bug me I think- but it DIDN'T!!! :) )

I had many close encounters with spiders today! Some photos here!
Not great ones- but still- this was my day today!


I did! :)


Spiders (Alive and dead)


My son-in-law , Marc, recently went back long distance driving for CRETE.
Below is his new BLOG! Please check it out!
He's posted a lot of pictures- the family and of his travels!




  1. Hi June ~~ Lovely rose and photo of you. Not so keen on the spiders though.
    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and glad you liked the photos of us. It is Peter's birthday on 28th May
    so it will be his turn on Sunday.
    Thanks agan June. Take care, Merle.

  2. Thanks for reading, Merle!

    :) I don't especially like spiders but their webs fascinate me!


    PS -Hope you had a grand B'Day!

  3. Great rose pic - beautiful color. Those spiders were on their webs and on the electronic web in the same pic. ec

  4. ec-
    You're right! :)

    as you can see I have fun with my digital camera - almost every day! There's so much out there to take pictures of!

    Once upon a time I couldn't imagine not having grandkids around to take pictures of...but NOW I have spiders and frogs and lizards-Dead and Alive! :)

    ...and- my beautiful roses!


  5. Wow, JuniRose, do you live in the Amazon or what. Those are big spiders! The rose is amazing, though.

  6. Everyone I've read today, people are cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

    I think I'll go to bed. Y'all have worn me out.

    Lovely flowers.

  7. Hi Junie,
    Better you than me with the spiders, I am absolutely terrified of them.
    The kids playhouse sounds fantastic.
    There is a place here in Bridgetown which is a B&B, it was also the kids tree house but now it has been converted to a lovely place to stay. It has a little deck right in the branches, I've often wanted to stay there.

  8. Stringman,

    :) we do have a lot of spiders around here!

    I love my roses so much I added ROSE to my screen name!


  9. Yes, our tree/playhouse was a huge hit with the kids. I miss those days, too!!

    That B&B with the treehouse sounds fun! I'd love to stay in a place like that!

    I really don't mind the spiders- :) as long as I don't have to get too close to them.


  10. granny,

    The work is never finished around here- but sometimes you just have to
    devote a little time in it- or be totally buried! :)

    Today I probably won't do much.


  11. Wow, the grandkids must have LOVED that play house... I know my kids would!

    Congratulations on all your hard work! It feels good, once in a while (not ALL the time, though!) to do some physical labor and accomplish something that needed doing.

  12. Skye,

    Yep, they loved it in those years!
    When I get the area spruced up a little more I'll post a picture of it!


  13. OH THAT ROSE! How beautiful...

    Oh those spiders....how yucky! They look incredibly large...are they? Scary....

  14. Joy,

    The roses ARE VERY BEAUTIFUL RIGHT NOW- THO I really haven't done a lot to help them along...I need to fertilize them all.

    Yep- the spiders in that enclosure under the playhouse were quite big! In fact- when I went in there I had to move stuff around-disturb some webs etc- One big spider immediately went for a smaller one and made a meal of it-The picture may look like One spider but there's actually 2 there!

    I don't LOVE spiders but I'm not so afraid of them...


  15. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Ahh Gingaaaaa. Those spider pictures scare me.

  16. Lol! Alli!

    Even the DEAD one?? :)


  17. The rose is beautiful. The spiders-- yikes! LOL!

  18. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for visiting!

    Roses are among my favorite things.
    I have A Lot of them!

    Lol- lots of spiders too!

