Monday, May 22, 2006

More Evidence here...

The world through the eyes of JuniperRose...

More evidence of Gnomes in my side yard!

I feel very lucky to have been able to capture these little
creatures in their relaxed moments!
Only due to my Great Skill as a photographer was I able to
get these candid shots! :) They DO move fast, you know! AND they are sooo small!
...and in the fish pond I got a good shot of a couple
of frogs at play!

Well, I THOUGHT at first they were playing a game of 'Leap Frog'
but after he didn't LEAP I realized I had stumbled into a more
intimate encounter!

Oh's not every day you have this opportunity...

One more weird thing I found in my yard the other day...
Note the FROG sprinkler with the hose attached! I was totally taken aback
when I started to move this Fake frog to my flower beds for watering
and saw this -very still- small frog just sitting there near the Frog sprinkler...
Turns out this little frog was DEAD... looked mummified!
I shot the scene just as I found it! :)
Oh,my! Do you think he may have mistaken that fake frog for one of his pond
girls? Could that be the reason he croaked? :( A HARD way to go, Freddy!!

The whole thing just struck me as kinda funny!
Maybe I'm just weird!! ;) Ya think?

Last but not least... here's my two cats!
They just LOVE each other soo much!
They are 'Tiger' and General Franks!'
It's funny to see them so LoveyDovey
with each other!

Never a dull moment at Junie's Place!



(sorry-all pics didn't load- more (Evidence) later)


  1. What a risque photo,

    Frogs, yet.

  2. I didn't know that gnomes napped. :) ec

  3. Nice shots June.

  4. Hi Junie,
    glad you liked the roses, they give me so much pleasure looking at them. Because I have moved so many times, this is the best garden I've had as it's the longest I've lived anywhere.
    I love frogs, we have one who gets up onto the porch swing.

  5. Granny,

    ;0 YEP-I was sorry I disturbed those frogs just at that moment!


    Gnomes seem to like to lounge around, at least :)


    for your visit, Peter. Happy you enjoy my pictures and silliness!! haha


    Roses have always been high on my list of 'must-haves' to make me happy! I always had roses in South Fl too, although the growing conditions were less than ideal there because of the humidity! It's better here, as far as insects and diseases. But have to water a lot during the hot summers.

    As for the frogs- they are cute and we have a lot. I have this small fish pond and we get bull frogs in there. Not sure if those were Bull Frogs that I photographed...

    Once recently I found one in my kitchen! :) We figured he must have gotten in the bucket of oranges that Charles picked and brought in! I was lucky enough to be able to throw a napkin over him and get him back outdoors!


  6. Junie, you are too funny!! :) :)

  7. :):) Funny things just seem to happen around here... or maybe it's just because I look for the humor in the everyday happenings!

    Hope things are going well in your world , Skye.

