Thursday, June 29, 2006

Another Cool Cat

Hey folks,

This is another cool cat from my past.

This is ' Ka-Nukki'...
"a gentle, loving soul with eyes the blue of seas!" from a long ago poem I wrote about him ! :)

Charles was given this cat ( when he was a policeman ) by some Nuns who couldn't keep him any longer. He was a grown cat and someone else gave him the name! If I ever knew the meaning of 'Ka-Nukki' I have long since forgotten it!

He was a pleasure to us...the kind of cat that would purr at the slightest touch from his 'people!' :)

Sadly, he had problems that shortened his life span, so we didn't have him more than a few months!
This was in the 70s!

... I DON'T forget cat loves of my past!

( cat woman that I am! !) :)



  1. Hi Junie,
    we might be oer the hill, but we can still give the younger one's a run for their money.
    I'll be away for a few days, have a good weekend while I'm gone.
    hugs jacqui

  2. Enjoy your weekend!

    Oh- I was just at your site and for some reason was unable to leave a post!

    Just wanted to say I'm very impressed with your bears! You are very talented
    ! :)

    See you soon.


  3. Cat Woman!
    I like the name of that cat. It sounds so... Hawaiian.
    I like the photos of all the cats. I especially like the one below of you holding General. You have a sweet smile going on in that picture, and General looks very comfy and happy to be loved on.

  4. Oh, Yah!

    General loves to be petted-
    but Tiger is the real lover in the family!
    Lol- his favorite spot is on my husband's chest!

    CATS are wonderful! :)

