Thursday, June 29, 2006

Poem: Raindrops ( Post#2 ~~~ 06-29-06)

...a sad poem ...
(one of those days)


Raindrops fall, relentlessly!
The color in the day,
has vanished so completely-
been taken, clear, away.

Just one name I’ll give it.
Drab describes it well.
The day is wrapped in sorrow,
a dismal shade of pale.

Raindrops on the window
make ripples in my view;
distorting all I’m seeing-
cast in the darkest hue.

The world outside seems burdened,
bent down with all the rain;
the way my heart is heavy
and drowning with the pain.

June Kellum

June 25, 2006


  1. Junie,
    I came to read about your husband's family in the 1930s. I couldn't find those posts but I had a great time reading your poetry and enjoying the stories and photos of your family. My Lord, girl! you were a looker! So was the hubby though perhaps I'm prejudiced since he looks like my son with that magnificent white beard.
    Anyway, I'd love to read the stories you mentioned. But I'll be back to look on my own in any case.

  2. Hi Lucy,

    Thanks for your interest in my stories of my husband's early farm life.

    Lol- I know back posts are hard to find here-because I post A LOT- (I should have put those stories in a BLOG of their own!)

    Anyway-the farm stories are all identified with the title 'Farm Life of the Past:...." The first one was April 30th-then May 5th (Jake story in 7 parts, so you'll need to find Jake part one!) others on May15th. and 21st. Then June 20th!
    (I may have missed some!)
    Hope you find them and enjoy reading them!

    Thanks, too , for your compliments! :)
    The older I get the more I realize how PRETTY we ALL were when we were young! :)

    LOL- I LOVE the white beard (of my husband), too! I tell him almost daily what nice hair and beard he has!

    Thanks for your visit and I hope you will try again!

    BTW- I enjoy your blog very much too. I'm there every day!


  3. Good poem, even if a little sad. Interesting photos, I'm supposing that is spanish moss hanging in the first one? ec

  4. yes, it is Spanish Moss- in my side yard.

    I searched through my photos for pictures to fit the poem...although I didn't have one of rain fall, after working with those 3 pics I think I made them fit the mood of the poem pretty well!

    Thanks for your visit, ec.


  5. Hello June ~~ Thanks for your visit. Glad you enjoy my posts. Love your photos and especially the little girl with parasol statue. Lovely.
    Take care, Merle.

  6. Hi Merle,

    The little girl / birdbath is what I bought with the last Christmas $$$ Mom gave Charles and me. It's in the little garden that I planted for Mom, right outside my kitchen window!

    Hope your day is fine. It's another hot one here!

