Saturday, June 17, 2006

Father's Day! ... (and-Special night of music 06/16/06)

Father's Day wishes to all you Dads out there!!

Father's Day will find Charles and me alone tomorrow as none of the kids will be able to be here! Our son will be here but he'll have to be sleeping as he's having to work a 24 hour shift at the hospital . He'll be home early tomorrow morning!

Charles and I will probably go out for a ride- if my back allows me to! But if not the Victory then we can go in his new truck!!

Here is a picture of our family in early days! (Mid-60s) Happy days! This was in Alabama but we were on the way to Washington DC!

Happy Father's Day, Charles!
World's #1 Dad!! ;)



My music

I had a very special night of music listening last night, starting with Dan Fogelberg and ending with 'The (Great) Who',
Live at Leeds!'

The Who are on tour now and today were to play a concert at Leeds-after 36 years! :) I know it will be (or was) a thrilling show! Have heard there will be CDs and a DVD from this tour ! I'm looking forward, with more than a little excitement, in getting my hands on those!! :)

As unlikely as my music combination of last night may seem, it worked well and prepared me for sleep! Well - long past 1:00 AM, but I DID sleep!

Music is one of life's greatest pleasures for me, these days! :)

Juniper Rose


  1. Happy Father's Day to Charles and hope it's a good one for all.

  2. Thanks, Ann,

    ...and to your Ray, also!

    Looks like we'll have a quiet one here, but that's ok.
    We'll find something to do!


  3. You two have such a great relationship. Ah, some day maybe, lol.
    Happy Father's Day to your beloved Charles.

  4. Doug, thanks!

    I'll pass your wishes on to Charles.
    None of our kids will be able to be here this time so C. and I will probably go for a motorcycle ride...(hope this ole back is feeling better! Dang it!! I'm too young to be getting old!! :)

    Hope you have a happy Father's Day too!


  5. Great photo - I look back at some of our two girls and can hardly believe they were ever that small. Time flies, whether you have fun or not. :) ec

  6. :)

    Welcome back! Hope you and your wife had a nice trip!

    My son-in-law just upgraded my i-photo picture program and I can do sooo much more now with my photos! I didn't have a good camera in those days but by working with them I can usually make them more presentable!

    Hope you have a happy Father's Day.


  7. Anonymous12:04 PM

    It is a quiet Father's Day around here too. I do believe there will be phone calls later on this morning.

    A beautiful photo and it looks like such a happy family.

    I didn't realize you were not a June. I love the name Juniper Rose and Juni now makes sense.

  8. Maria,

    June is my real name.

    An online friend gave me the name Juniper almost 4 years ago :) and I just added Rose because I love roses!
    Nicknames have always been fun for me...
    I'm also known as Ginga in our family. Our first grandson gave us the names -Ginga and Gabbo- when he first started talking and soon everyone in the family were calling us by those names!

    Anyway- hope it's been a happy day for your husband and you today.

    We went out to lunch and for a long drive- a very nice day!


  9. Thanks for the Father's Day wishes and the nice post on my blog! ~ Please come back and post ANYTIME! ~ jb///

  10. I will!!

    LOVE your pictures!!

