Monday, June 19, 2006

My Cat - 'General Franks'

...I wanted to call him Kiddo but Charles insisted on General Franks!

Here he is as 'Kiddo' AND as 'General Franks!'

He's a sweetie-whatever name he is called!



  1. Nope- can't have The General back! He's HOME!! :)

    Isn't that a great picture of him!? You can see I've been playing around with my advanced Iphoto program!! :) Thanks for doing that for me!

    So- yer in Denver! COOL!!

    Is it? Cool, I mean!

    LOL- Be careful with your keys!!!


  2. What a beautiful cat!! He looks very soft and silky. And I love how the mother cat has one kitten for each color of her fur!!

  3. Hi Skye,

    Yes! That is the softest cat I have ever touched! :) He's like silk!

    He's about 3 years old now! (Alli,my granddaughter, would know exactly, as it was her cat-'Miss Kitty' who was the Mom cat!)

    ...and, I too, thought that pic of the Mom and kittens was pretty neat- with the kittens each having one color from the mom cat!

    I got the best of the kittens - as General turned out to be a magnificent cat!


  4. Hi June ~~ What a cute cat and I love the photos of you and your family from way back. Pity we didn't have digital cameras back then. Many thanks for your visits and comments. Glad you enjoy the
    jokes. Take care of that back of yours.
    Cheers, Merle.

  5. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your visit and comments.

    Yes, General is a very beautiful cat- so is my Tiger- but not as spectacular in his looks!

    ...and the pictures... I never had a good camera in those early days, but I kept trying! That paticular picture was originally in color but I got it clearer by doing it in B&W

    I have IPHOTO and it's sooo much fun to play around with - with old photos I scan or new ones I upload from my digital camera!


  6. The General looks like he's in command. Impressive looking cat!

  7. Thanks, Stringman!

    He IS a handsome dude, eh?


  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This picture sings of "A master of all I Survey!
