Thursday, June 22, 2006

Good Ending

Hi Folks,

Yesterday was a most frustrating day for me. I was unable to get online from mid-day on and I didn't know if it was my computer or my AOL being down - or what!!

Finally- the problem worked itself out...whatever it was!

Meanwhile I decided it's probably time I get off dial-up and go with DSL so will try and do that very soon!

For now I'm ok!
No more welcomed words could I have heard than the ones I finally DID hear... which were...'Welcome' - and then - 'You've Got Mail.' :)


Ended the evening with a late night listen of Sarah McLachlan's music- 'surfacing' and 'Afterglow.'
Very nice!

My late night music is very special to me these days as I have trouble sleeping in the early part of the night!


I need to get going because today I have to shop...

Update later on what treasures I find! :)

Juniper Rose


  1. Photo's must be a real pain with a dial-up service June, and you post so many.

  2. Do you say "shop?" FUN!!!!

    My high speed internet is up and running - a day early- so I am thrilled!!!
    The dial up was too slow. I have used dial up before, but this was really terribly slow. I am happy to have my high speed back.

    Enjoy your shopping.

  3. Hi Peter,

    No, surprisingly, Photos are not a problem to get on! OH-sometimes it gets confusing if I have several but they usually go on ok!

    ...but the past 3 days I've had a real problem just getting online!! I don't know if it's an AOL problem- or my phone line. Today I have been trying for the past several hours and just now was able to connect!!..anyway-I think I will switch over to a high speed service- probably next week!

  4. Jamie Dawn,

    Happy you're back in service!

    I have not been that displeased with dial-up-as far as being slow- because mine wasn't really that slow...but just the past 3 days I've had problems even getting on-line at all! LOL! It's very frustrating! (To those of us who have a lot of important stuff to say, eh!! heehee!!)
