Thursday, June 22, 2006

Update of my day!!


First I will say I had a heck of a time getting online again this afternoon! VERY aggravating!! But here I am-who knows for how long, though!!

Another annoyance- when I went to import my pictures from my digital camera it decided to import ALL that are still in the camera-even tho I checked 'don't import duplicates!'...all this hi- tech stuff is out to do me in, I think!! :(

Wanted to show what I bought I couldn't get my photos on I decided to SCAN the two music item I got today!!
Haven't had a chance yet to play either of them!

IMO-any WHO CD or DVD that I don't have is worth the $$$...'Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere!' :)


Also- my girls got back from the trip to Italy and Greece, with lots to show and tell us and some great gifts for us, too! Tina has almost 500 pictures in her camera! Lol- I only saw a few. She'll get some developed in a few days.

They had a great time!

...But Alli said her wrists hurt...from NOT playing her guitar for 2 weeks! ;)


My music treasures of this week!



  1. The world over we seem to be having internet/blogger problems lately, maybe it's cosmic??
    Good music does help.

  2. Peter,

    First try this morning I got online without a bit of trouble! Very weird!

    Iplayed the WHO dvd last night!

    What a fantastic band!!

