Friday, June 23, 2006


Zach is coming from Orlando today! :)

What good news! We'll have a good day! :)

This is Zachary Miles and his cousin Allison! They are our 2 youngest grands and have always been great pals!

( an early picture and a more recent one! )


AKA Ginga


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Beautiful Grandchildren! How nice they are so close. I am anxiously awaiting the birth of the twins so that I too can enjoy being a Grandma.

  2. Thanks, Maria.

    Being a grandmother is the greatest! :) We all have such fond memories of all being together in our little country place here!

    My 'Grands' are all almost grown up now!

    These are the 2 youngest. Zach will soon be 19 and Alli is 15 and 1/2.
    The 2 older boys are past 20!

    :) I know you're excited about the babies!


  3. Hi June ~~ What good looking grands you
    have. Enjoy your visit with Zac.
    Are Ali and her Mum home yet? How is
    your back June? Glad you liked The Way to happiness. I typed that post, then lost it, typed it again. And sometimes
    I can't get anything but emails. And I am on Broadband DSL. Take care, Merle.

  4. Hi Merle,

    Good to hear from you.

    Yes, my girls got back a couple days ago. They had a grand time, of course.

    Alli and Zach enjoyed being together. They have always been close although there's more than 3 years difference in their ages! They spent the night here, as Alli's Mom had to get back to work.( She's a nurse.)

    Zach will have to be leaving around noon as he has to work at 5:00.

    Yes, my back is somewhat better , thanks.

    I still haven't switched to dsl- probably will next week- although I had less trouble yesterday and this morning , got online without a problem at all!

