Sunday, July 02, 2006

Laying Down on the Job!! ( Post#2 ~~~07-02-06)


These Guard Cats caught Laying Down on the job!

Cat Napping!!

Definitely NOT in the Swing of things!

Resulting in THIS!!


  1. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Aw. but they're so cute! lol

  2. ;) Yah, they are!!

    Who cares about a stray possom now and then!



  3. Alli,

    Had you ever heard that Gabbo story before?

    Do you think that's why he has always been so generous with everybody...trying to make up for that one bad deed he did when he was that little boy??


  4. Great photos - those pictures are worth many words. Enjoyed the penny story as well - many things like this when we are young can shape our entire lives. ec

  5. Thanks for looking and reading,ec.

    It amazes me that Charles has such vivid memories of things of his early childhood!

    I too believe everything that happens to us in our early years, go into the making of the grownup we become!

    :) I'm glad you enjoy my stories.


  6. The cats were lucky they didn't confront that oppossum. They can be viscious.

    Cute cats!

  7. Hi Mike,

    Oh I'm sure they can be mean little critters! I was close enough to see the sharp little teeth they have!

    However, my cats were probably not in danger- because , as my granddaughter said- Tiger is too lazy to be a hunter and General is too much a wimp! haha

    ...but ...they are cuties!

    Thanks for stopping by Junie's Place!

  8. Those cats are literally in the "swing" of things, but they did NOT do their job!! Shame, shame!!

    Have a nice holiday. My son is getting out fireworks together. His inner arson is at work. :)

  9. :)

    Yep, two swinging cats, I have!

    Update on the poor little possoms...Charlie took them, in the bird hous, and set them down in the pasture!! Well, the cows discovered them and ran them off...Hope they find
    another home!

    Have fun with your fireworks...WE won't be doing anything to celebrate! :(

