Thursday, August 10, 2006

Music & Garden Critters

Today was my shopping day!

This is some of the frivolous stuff I got! :)
Hey! I have to have a little fun along the way! :)

When I go to Wal-Mart I like to do the grand tour...that is -take in every inch of the store!
I stop first in pharmacy for a blood pressure check! (It was perfect!) then on for my pet supplies- then on to the garden shop.
I looked at all the plants but decided not to buy any...realizing the work involved once I got them home! Too dang hot this summer for gardening!
However- I found these little critters- and as luck would have it they were marked down half price-only$7.00 each!
They will look cute anywhere but most likely, will stay on my back porch, among my plants there! Too much work in making a spot in the garden- TOO HOT!!

And for my music I got this:

I have never had any Led Zeppelin before!

All I can say right now is- it's LOUD! :) I'll have to do a more thorough listen later- when I can look up the I know what the heck they are singing about! I've just been playing it as I put my groceries away!

'Stairway to Heaven' of course, is good!


Our grandson, Brian, came by just as I was about to leave for shopping. I couldn't stay to visit with him but he and his granddad had lunch together!

( I had a pretty Yucky McDonald's lunch in Wal-Mart )



Last night I was back with my WHO music! Nothing better for Loud Rock n Roll!

( so why am I experimenting with Led Zep?? ) :)



  1. You got such a deal on your garden critters. Those are one of my weaknesses and my garden is filled with all different types...

  2. I always like to take the grand tour of Walmart too...this evening we went to Target instead...Hubby following me around looking at his watch...argggggg...I've been on the look-out for garden decor marked is getting to be that time of year...the garden charm in my blog today was marked down at Krogers of all places!

  3. Hi Sue,

    Last year about this time I found some garden bunnies. :) I bought some extra ones for gifts! I'll probably go back for some more of these guys too!

    I love little garden figures too...but this summer I have not felt up to much gardening so these guys may just live on my porch for awhile!

  4. Hey Tammy, it seems a lot of us girls are into garden figures! :) It always thrills me to find these kind of things!

    BTW- don't think I posted at your place today! That shopping trip left me plum wore out- if you know what I mean! ;)
    ....but I will catch up!


  5. I'm not quite as bad to do the total tour at Wal-Mart as I am at Lowe's - I have to drool over their tools. ec

  6. haha-

    My husband does that too!

    But he does not like to go to Wal-Mart...especially if I have a lot of shopping to do!


  7. Hi June ~~ Love your little turtles.
    Lovely photos of Alli, especially the
    one with the black hood. She looks so cute. I really like the elephant story with the surprise ending.
    Thanks for your comments about the
    Doughboy. It was quite clever.
    Take care, Hugs, Merle.

  8. Thanks, Merle,

    I wish I felt more up to doing some gardening - but this summer has been a hard I guess those little garden guys will just live on my porch for awhile.

    Yep- Alli is a cutie! Thanks!

    I always enjoy the things you post! You amaze me by finding so much uplifting and funny material to post!

  9. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Rock on, Junie! I love Led Zepplin! And yeah, some of it is pretty loud. I've always loved stairway to heaven.

  10. Beth,


    I'm enjoying all my Rock N Roll! :)

    Never too old to try new things! ;)

