Friday, August 11, 2006

No More Santa Claus :(

From this... this... this...

Charles has had a beard, on and off (Mostly on!!) for the past several years! I like a beard and am of the opinion that most mens's faces are improved with hair on them!! :) Really!!

LOL- I jokingly have told Charles,"I would grow a beard if only I could!"

( a multitude of imperfections can hide behind a beard...Lol- add the dark glasses and yer invisible to the world!)

I compliment Charles' beard constantly, thinking to guard against him whacking it off! In truth he does grow a fine beard so
it's easy to say nice things about it! The thing is though - he will not trim it! For awhile it's just perfect...but then it needs a trim which he won't attempt to do. In time the beard becomes bothersome to him! I imagine it would be hot in this weather we're having this summer! And it becomes harder to eat-unless you don't mind the changing colors of that white santa beard! :)

Charles put it this way! 'The beard is becoming a 'Strain on my soup' so it's coming off!

Oh, well!
I DID hope he'd keep it til after Christmas! :(

No more Santa!

...No more Mr.Nice Guy???



  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Tell Gabbo he better grow that thing back. LOL

  2. well, now I think Mr. Charles looks years younger now...I think you may come to like it!
    And I'm sure he is cooler in this weather!

  3. :)

    You know Gabbo has the last word!

    ...well, he probably will let it grow again, after awhile. He always has in the past! :)

    ....but he had such a good Santa beard this time...:(


  4. Tammy,

    Well, he DOES look young for 71- with or without a beard! :)

    Lol- yes-I'm sure it's cooler!

    ...I'm sure he'll decide to grow it back again before long- he always does!


  5. Well and Gabbo make a pretty good looking couple. It's weird seeing Charles without a beard....even weirder for YOU! He does look some years younger Junie....maybe he has to keep up with you. Hugs to you both....

  6. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I love a man with a beard, too. My husband, John, had one from the time he left the Marine Corp until he was no longer here on earth. I always thought he was handsome.

    Either way, Charles does look good!

  7. Hi June, I've also had a beard on and off, mainly on, for about 20 years, when I shaved it off my ex used to say how much she liked my second chin, this used to tempt me to grow it back fairly quickly.
    Unlike Charles though I have always kept my beard trimmed pretty short, the mo is another thing though it seems to drag my mouth into a mournfull expression so no mo is the go.

  8. He does look much better than I do in a beard - mine just looks grubby. ec

  9. Hello June ~ Charles looks good with or without. My Dad always said you could trust a man with a clean shaven face.
    But the Santa beard was so appropriate.
    My son is like Charles and wont get his trimmed either. I like them tidy !!
    John's is pepper and salty, not white
    like Charles'. TAke care, Merle.

  10. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for commenting . Yes- he looks good with or without! :)

    ...almost all our guys in the family have beards (most of the time) My son has had a beard since he was in high school- both my sons-in-law have beards too_ Even my older grandsons (but not all the time!) :) so I'm just more accustomed to my guys with beards!


  11. Hi ec,

    So- you, too, have a beard! :)

    Chas has had one -most of the time- since retiring from Dade Co. Sheriff's Dept. over 25 yrs. ago.

    I have always liked- at least- a mustache!
    Charles, at times, has grown a fine handlebar mustache! :)

    lol- maybe I can get him to do that again!


  12. Hi Peter,

    Yes, I can see from your photo you have a neat and trim beard! Mustaches CAN give one a sad look- tho- maybe not if you didn't let it grow too much at the sides!

    Chas has had some nice mustaches- without the beard- in the past! :) Maybe he'll grow one of those big handlebars again!

    Lol- what your ex wife said was kinda funny!....and it worked!
    (Sometimes we have to work hard in getting the look we want in our men! haha)


  13. Hi Maria,

    Thanks for your visit.

    ;) Yes, C. looks good either way...Any change takes a few days getting used to! :)

    Lol- I remember he did not like my last hair cut at all-
    Luckily, for me, all I had to do was wash my hair and do it over, myself!


  14. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for your comments!

    I'm fine with the new face :) just so he doesn't get rid of the mustache too! :)


  15. Our son showed up here last weekend with his beard shaved. I barely recognized him! Your hubby looks good either way :-)

  16. Thanks, Sue,

    It's just getting used to a different look... :)

