Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dan Fogelberg ( Post#2 of today )

I want everyone to know the wonderful Dan Fogelberg!

( some lyrics from his song 'Old Tennessee' )

"End of October the sleepy brown woods
seem to nod down their heads to the winter.
Yellows and gray paint the sad sky today
and I wonder when you're coming home."


This is a terribly out of focus picture -nonetheless- I treasure it!

Dan Fogelberg and ME, early '70s.
This was the 2nd. time I was able to see Dan in concert.

(#1 DanFan)


  1. Aw, it looks like a spammer found you.

    And I'm so jillus that you have a picture of you and Dan F, even years later.
    I got to see him in concert in the next town over, mebbe 5 anniversaries ago?
    The bus was late, the concert began 20 minutes past, he looked tired. Probably was getting sick and didn't know it.

    I've got _River of Souls_ on now while I'm doing the ironing. It's one that gets the beat quicker.

  2. Hi,

    ahh-yah-Didn't respond to that spam message...

    I have 'River of Souls' too but not on CD- so I haven't played it in a while.

    I guess my favorites are his earliest albums.

    Oh! And he did a Christmas album that is just great! It's called 'The First Christmas Morning.'

    It's the first Christmas CD I play , every year!


  3. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What a great picture? Was he as hot in person as he is in pictures? I have often wondered if he was a big flirt!?!

  4. LOL- He was very nice the 'couple minutes' I was standing next to him!!

    :) not flirty at all! (Dang it!! haha)


  5. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Hey Junie!

    Love your picture of you and Dan! I met Dan in April of 1983 while he was touring for "The Innocent Age"! I didn't have a camera, purse or piece of paper for an autograph. All I had was me! I tugged on his denim jacket to get his attention and then shook hands with him, introducting myself. We had a wonderful talk. I was able to tell him how much I admired him, his talent and his gift with words. He smiled and told me that he received that gift from his Mother. He did a little "boot suffle" dance for me! We talked for awhile and I then became brain dead and he gave me a hug and I left walking on air!!

    Of course my story is much, much longer; this is a shortened version. I just sent an email to a friend relating this experience to her and ended up writing her a 'novel'! She sent me this address, when I saw your picture with Dan I decided to write you a 'short story' of my meeting. I almost met him another time, but things didn't work out!

    Dan has been my favorite singer/songwriter/artist since 1975 when I first heard him sing "There's A Place In The World For A Gambler"! He is the best!

    I pray for him daily and hope that he is well. I also pray that he will once again grace us with his music and more concerts.


  6. Sherry,

    Oh my- your story of Dan is much longer and more involved than mine-but I have always treasured that brief meeting with him-and the picture :) as blurred as it is!

    It just makes me feel so good to talk to other fans who have the same feelings and appreciation for Dan Fogelberg's music as I do! He's just the most talented and wonderful singer/songwriter/and multi-musical person to come along-EVER-as far as I'm concerned!

    I pray for his recovery every day- but he has already given us so much!!

    Thanks for coming here- and I'd be so happy to hear anything else you have to add about Dan!


  7. Anonymous12:52 AM


    I know how you feel! I would 'treasure' a picture of myself with Dan also! But I have my memories!

    I know that Dan has given us so much but you know that there are so many more songs that are already written and not recorded and even more in his most creative mind, heart, soul and spirit....

    I am so Thankful that his music is timeless.

    You should visit us at the Ever On forum where there is a bunch of really, good people who are loyal, true Dan Fans. I don't know how to post the site here.


  8. Hi Sherry,

    Thanks for your comments and I will visit the 'Ever On' site if I can find it.

    I think I have been there before in the past but need to check my favorites to see.

    BTW- Do you have Dan's 'First Christmas Morning?' It's just soooo beautiful! I plan to listen to that later today!

    I will post about it (probably) and link ppl to this old post here so ppl may read our comments about Dan!

    LOL- I have, teasingly, been accused of being on Dan's 'payroll' because of the way I constantly promote his music! :) ....But it's just that I think he's so wonderful I want EVERYBODY to experience the joy I do i listening to his music!


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM


    Yes, I have "First Christmas Morning"! I have all of Dan's works. I am a true blue, loyal, die hard fan of Dan's! Have been for 32 years!

    My children listened to Dan while in the womb, so they came here being Dan fan's!


    Above is the address to Ever On...

    Hope to see you there!


  11. Thanks, Sherry for the address!

    I took a quick look but will be back again!

    What a lovely picture of Dan and his wife!

    I hadn't seen that one!


  12. Anonymous11:18 AM


    Yes, I love that picture of Dan and Jean. Brett has a knack of finding pictures of Dan! He has a ton of them. It is really a great site and under one thread where Lin is asking for stories, pics, etc.; there are 3 other photos of Dan. One when he was quite young, 16 or 18 I think....


  13. Thanks! I'll be sure to check all that out.

    I also have a few more pics from that time (of the one of me with him) I may post another one!

    I'm working on a post for my blog today and I will list the 'Ever On' site.

    ALSO- have you checked out YouTube? There's a few good vids out there of Dan!


  14. Anonymous1:11 AM


    Yes, I have been to YouTube and watched Dan's videos! A friend let me know that Dan was there!

    How does one find the post that you worked on today? I would like to visit since you are mentioning Ever On....


  15. Sherry,

    You have to go to my most recent posts to read what I wrote today. I guess you go to the side bar and click on my profile and go from there-That should take you to today (Junie's Place)-I posted the URL for Ever On.
