Wednesday, October 18, 2006

First - something Pretty...

This is one of my Autumn Leaves Gourd Bowls! This is one of my favorite things that I have made.

...but...the rest of the story isn't that pretty! In fact, some of it is downright scary! You see...they are all back! In fact, they brought some friends!

All of these ' strange folks' are lined up in the very room where I am sitting at my computer! I'm trying to keep my cool but I can feel eyes boring into my back!
...So far, none have made any negative moves toward me!

They even let me take these photos! I was almost afraid to ask...but they didn't seem to mind!

One thing is bothering me, though. We are leaving early Saturday for our trip to N.C.!

Wouldn't you just HATE to leave, with your house occupied with the likes of these characters? :(

I do!!

But, dang it, I wanna see those leaves!

( click pics to enlarge )



  1. Eeek! I'm not coming to YOUR house, Junie!! ;)

    So, you are coming up to NC!! That will be exciting! Will you be visiting the mountains? They are the best place to see fall colors!

  2. Hi Skye,

    Some of these guys are quite scary looking! And most of them have movement and sound!

    Yes, am excited about our little trip.
    We will be going up into the mountains, possibly as far as Boone.


  3. I absolutely LOVE the vase with the autumn leaves Junie...that's STUNNING! You did a beautiful job on that. As for all the creepy characters...they are magnificent. Hey, at least you know NO ONE will bother your house while you're gone... with all of them watching over it.

    Love all the pics Junie.

  4. Thanks, Joy- I like that gourd vase, too.

    It's about 10x10 inches. And that design was easy to do! PLUS-it was enjoyable-as I love those leaves!

    ;) I like those scary guys! I usually check out the after holiday sales to see what I can find to add to my collection!


  5. Well, you should have a nice view of fall colors in that area! Here's a little slideshow of what Fall is looking like around Grandfather Mountain at the moment, if you're interested:

  6. You have quite the collection of scaries to guard your house while you're gone!

  7. Thanks Skye,

    That was just beautiful!!


  8. Sue,

    :) yes I do!!

    (lol- I'm such a kid!!)


  9. Hi June
    Like your gourd vase lovely autumn leaves I would not like all those eyes looking at me they would be out sde.

  10. Jeanette,

    Thanks for your visit! Happy you like the gourd vase.

    :) Thsoe Halloween guys are even more scary -now that they have new batteries!

