Friday, October 06, 2006

Florida Fall Scenes

These are some fall scenes from last year that we got on some of our rides!

We haven't done much riding this fall. :(

( click on pics to enlarge )



  1. Hey June, the 4th one down is a Scotch Thistle they are a noxious weed in Australia!!!

  2. Hi Peter,

    I knew it was some sort of Thistle! I know it's probably just a troublesome weed but I think it's very pretty!

    We saw this(and many others) in a pasture of cows that had been neglected for a long time...the pasture and the cows! Chas. was interested in buying the whole herd (probably 50 head) but they wanted too much for cattle in such bad shape!

    (lol- I DO get off track-don't I?)

    ...anyway- it was interesting to drive through that vast property and look! We saw several cows that had died and turned to a pile of bones! :( Just awful neglect!

    :) Probably not surprising that the prettiest thing I saw there was these Thistle plants! haha


  3. Lovely fall pictures, and so sad about the herd of neglected cattle..

  4. Hi Sue,

    Yes, we do have some pretty things in fall here- just not much of the color in the leaves!

    Yes, that herd of cattle was very sad- and at the time we saw them was in the process of being sold or destroyed or whatever was necessary. We never knew the whole story of all of that, though.


  5. nice fall shots there...hubby and I may get out and about later is a beautiful day here today!!

  6. Hi Tammy,

    It's a beautiful day here too- but I've just been busy inside! We're having company tomorrow and for the next few days and I've had a ton of NOT FUN stuff to do!! :) but it will be worth it to see the folks!

    ...and I have a doctor's appt at 3:00 for a bone density test! Lol- they will tell me I'm getting shorter- as if I didn't know!!! :) I have to do this once a year! ...and I detest these things!


  7. This looks more like fall in the Midwest than it does like Florida! ~ jb///

  8. jb,

    Where we are in N.Central Florida is not tropical.( as ppl tend to picture Florida) We have a lot of horse farms and cattle farms around here- and hay is grown for harvesting! It's mostly Coastal Bemuda and Behia. The land is mostly flat but with gently rolling hills in some places!

    Just 80 miles or so, south of us, it is much more tropical.

    Thanks for looking at my pics!

