Saturday, October 07, 2006

Our Day Today ~ Oct. 7, 2006

OK- as my mama would have said,"I'm worn out tonight."...Or maybe it was "I'm WORE OUT tonight!"
Whichever way she would have said it - equals the way I feel tonight...which is totally BEAT!

I was up very late last night! Or, rather it was, late- into the early hours-that I was up! Can you believe making potato salad and stuff well past mid-night? LOL- and breaking a jar of Claussen Kosher Dill pickles in my haste in finishing up the clean-up chores! I just had to laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing! Here I had just finished this 'Masterpiece' bowl of potato salad ( even under rushed conditions) and I end the whole thing by letting that jar of pickles slip through my fingers!
( would you have laughed or let go a few choice cuss words??) ;)

Truth be told, I was not ONLY doing potato salad, baked ham, etc., I also was listening to some fine Moody Blues music! I get caught up in the music and need it to relax enough to be able to sleep!...Anyway, with my music, potato salad making, and breaking of pickle jars-and the necessary clean-up, I did not get to sleep 'til around 3:00 AM!

Was up by 7:00 AM to finish my preparations for our company!

Here are the folks who were here!

First- the old folks of the farm...Charlie and me!!

This is me with 2 of my sisters and my SIL

This is Charles with the Brothers-in-Law (my bro Ray on the R)

Some little boy nephews! ( great or grand...but ALL little boys are Great and/or Grand- aren't they!! )

Alli and some second (or third?) cousins she had not seen in a while.

This is my sister and her son and granddaughter.

Alli and Gabbo :)

My sweet granddaughter, Alli!

Alli with 'Ginga!'

Oh-and if anyone noticed the strong smell of pickles, no mention was made of it! :)

It was a good day.

Now I'm off in search of some ZZZZzzzzzzz's!



  1. Love your blog lovely family photo's.
    And I think if that was me making the salad I would have said a few choice words.

  2. Thanks, Jeanette,

    I'm happy you're enjoying my blog!

    ;) I like blogging very much (as anyone can see!!) Love getting a little look into lives of others-and sharing a little bit of our life here in Florida!

    Take care,


  3. Hello June ~ I do thngs like that - end up in bed at 2 am or later. Sorry about the pickles and need for clean up. But
    it looks as though you all had a lovely time together. Thanks for sharing the photos. Take care, Love, Merle.

  4. Yes, we had a nice time and the folks will be here for a few days.


    As for being up late, I have always been a night person- got that from Mom! :) Last night I was up way longer thanthe rest of the people in the house!


    I won't have as much time to keep up with reading blogs while we have company but will try to catch up later.


  5. looks like you had a great time despite the pickle!!

  6. lol- Yes- we did -and still are enjoying the visit.

    lol- I just laughed at that pickle mishap!


  7. Hi Junie,
    Looks like loads of family fun! Ham (or chicken) and potato salad was always what my Grandma had on hand for family get togethers.
    Enjoy your company!!

  8. Thanks, Sue,

    Yes, it's always good to spend time with family.


  9. I've noticed that the only jar I ever drop is the breakable one.

    Beautiful family.

  10. I like it when I try to "Save ' a falling jar,I manage to make contact but not to "save". This leaves me wondering if I had just let it drop would it have broken at all,my mis save just gives the falling jar more splatter value. Thanks for sharing you lovely family photos, what a wonderful get together you had. Cheers Margaret.

  11. Margaret

    Thanks for your comments. I appreciate all of you reading of my little adventures! :)

