Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oct 8,'06...Fall thoughts

My son, Christopher, just returned yesterday from a trip to Maine. He also visited New Hampshire and Vermont!
He says VERMONT is the most beautiful place he's ever seen- and says that I MUST go there to see the Fall colors! Oh! If only I could-I would!

He brought me a book of Fall scenery! It's just fabulous! I'd like to print some of the pics here but better not...It's all copyrighted, This book is called 'Vermont Impressions' photography by Jim Westphalen. It's a very beautiful collection of Fall scenes of Vermont!

He got this T-shirt for himself!
Imagine that!! :) They are 'undefeated' since 1974 because that's the year their football program was discontinued!
Chris likes to buy T-shirts from colleges around the country! (no one could ever guess where he went to school by his T-shirts!)
He found this one amusing!

Late this afternoon we took Fall Flowers to Mom! (Brother, sister, their spouses, Charles and I)...As I was arranging the flowers Charles said, "There's a snake!" I thought at first he was just teasing me...but- sure enough- there around the vase was this little (harmless) snake!
Yikes!...Charles removed it from near our mom's flowers! (as C. said , "Ma-ma would have been as scared of that tiny snake , as she would have been of a King Cobra!" True-she did not like snakes at all!

The 6 of us went on to Applebee's for an excellent dinner-complete with a dessert for us all!

It's been a long day of not doing much! Still- I'm tired so I'm turning in early tonight- hopefully-to sleep!

Catch up with everyone later...



  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    haha, nice's definately "bip humor"

    =[ I miss ma-ma, and yes, she would have been scared of that little snake.

  2. lol- Yes!

    That shirt looks like something your Uncle Bip could have thought up , himself!

    ...Yep-and Mama would not have liked that snake- no matter that it was tiny!
    LOL- and neither would I!



  3. I wish you could see New England too. The foliage is unbelievable.

  4. I hope you can find some photo's of Vermont it must be lovely in the fall "WE call it Autumn in Australia". Oh my gosh im terrified of snakes no matter how small.

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Gidday Junie, Thanks for your comment about the post I did on Peter.
    I love the fall colours in the USA. We don't have this here in Queensland, being a sub tropical state. When I was last in the US I was there during August to December so I went up to Maine and Vermont and the changing colours were mangificent. Also there is a small island you can walk over to just before the waters go over the Niagera Falls and the colours here were also brilliant.

  6. Hi Ann,

    I have always wanted to see the New England states in Autumn- but doubt that I ever will since we have no connections up that way!

    However , we do have a very short trip planned soon to NC so I hope to see a bit of color!


  7. I love the Fall colors too! They are generally my personal color palette as I was born this time of year, and being a reddish brown haired person, I wear a lot of reds, orange, greens... And like you, I'd love to get to Vermont sometime!

    Hope you got some zzzz's ;)

  8. Hi Carolyn,vv

    A vacation trip up that way would be great. Maybe someday you and I both can make it . :)

    BTW- I listened to your song on your site yesterday! Didn't have time to comment-meant to get back but never did!

    ...Girl! You have a very good sound! I loved that song!

    ;) I need to look up those other songs you had on- now that I'm on DSL I could probably hear them.

  9. Wazza,

    Thanks for coming by.

    So you had a nice-extended vacation and go to visit our new England states! Oh, my! Wish I could! One would think I'd be able to see more of my OWN country! :(

    Where we are in North Central Florida, we don't get the color!


    Yes-I have enjoyed yours and Peter's stories very much.
    You've had a wonderful and long friendship- so it seems!


  10. Jeanette,

    Fall and Autumn are both used here for this season!
    I use both terms, myself!

    I don't have much experience with Autumn, having lived in Florida most of my life, but have always loved the colors!

    Snakes!!! :)

    I too,I have always been a little afraid of them.


  11. Family gatherings are a good thing, even one for a sad reason. We have a decoration day every year at the Mississippi country cemetary where Mom and Dad are buried. I liked the shirt. :) ec

  12. Hi ec,

    Thanks- yes- have been enjoying my family a lot.
    And I agree, even sad times it's good to be with family!

    That VERMONT shirt is just the type of humor that appeals to my son! :)


  13. I'm not fond of any snakes either. I'm with your dear mother on that! I don't care if they are "harmelss" or "little." I am not a fan!

    LZ Blogger who visits my blog - (I haven't updated my blogroll in ages, but I will be adding him and you too when I finally get around to it) - posted a gorgeous photo of a Vermont hillside scene. I would love to visit there too and see the fall colors.

  14. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    I also read LZ Blogger so will have a look at his Vermont photo when I have a little more time!

    (haven't had much time for blog reading for a few days.)

