Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Yep-I'm still stalking that same old spider!

To get close to him again I had to wade into the fern that grows thickly around the oak trees and the Staghorn fern that hangs between them! I was thinking of snakes , every minute I was standing there-waiting for that spider to pose for me!
No snakes were there (as far as I know!) but I DID come close to this!...We ignored each other!

A Wasp nest!


(same old spider, different day!)

:) Yes!
I worked him over in my photo program!
Looks more like Halloween! ;}

(My Fantasy Spider)





  1. Hi, great spider photo, I can imagine the feeling of perhaps there was a snake hiding in the foliage, I guess there a quite a number of them that see us though we don't see them. Scary thought for me who is really scared of "slithering sliders." Thanks for visiting my site pleased you liked the joke, I feel I have licence to post blonde jokes as I once was one myself. Take care Margaret

  2. Hi Margaret,

    Yes, I always think of snakes when I'm among the plants because I know they are around here, although most are harmless. ( :) at least my husband says they are)

    I'll visit your site (and others) a little later. Our company just left so I will have time to get caught up!

    The blonde jokes are always funny. LOL- I am blonde by choice now, although my hair was darker when I was young. Blonde seems to fit my personality better! haha


  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Okay, the spider doesn' scare me, but that wasp nest sent chills down my spine. Egads, stay away from those little devils.

    By the way the photographs are great.

  4. Hi Maria,

    ;0 yes, I stay away from those wasps.
    I have been stung by them before!! I wasn't as close as it looks in the picture!

    I'm not afraid of the spiders-as long as I can keep my eye on them! They are nor gonna jump down and get you! :) I just like to photograph them-and see what I can do with the pics! It's fun working with the picture programs!

    Thanks for coming by!

