Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Just a spider...

Yesterday I ventured out in the back yard , with water spray bottle in hand, in search of spiders! I found this guy.( way above my five ft, height) He had spun his web between the 2 giant Oak Trees by the patio! Although WAY high , I was able to zoom in on him and managed to shoot him with a spot of blue sky behind as to show him to his best advantage! The web, however, is barely visible!

I think he fits well in this Halloween season! ;}

Here he is- Same Spider - different time of day! This is his under side...Looks like he's trying to eat a leaf! Guess he ate all the bugs already!



  1. Very nice photography there, Junie! And very interesting legs on that spider. They are certainly fascinating and industrious creatures. I watched one spider outside my kitchen window wrap up a large and violently struggling "leaf insect" until it couldn't move, drag the wrapped-up insect up to the middle of the web, and then suck out all its insides through its head! The spider's belly was twice as big the next day! They are amazing. Too bad I think spiders are icky!!! :)

  2. That's quite the vivid word picture Skye paints of spiders and their prey!
    I enjoy the pictures, but I'm not too big on spiders in general!

  3. Skye,

    Thanks for looking! I don't like to get too close to spiders but I DO find them fascinating to look at and photograph!

    Hope things are going well with you these days.
    I'm a bit behind with my blog reading.

    We've had company for a few days.


  4. Hi Sue,

    :) yes- Skye is very good with words. isn't she!

    I'm not fond of spiders-except to look at -from a safe distance.


  5. We do appreciate all your efforts for what to put in for our reading pleasure.
    That's some spider, in time for Halloween.

  6. Is stalking spiders a crime? I'm just askin'

  7. LOL- could be, Peter.

    But I like living on the edge!! LOL!


  8. Mrsdof,

    ;) thanks!


  9. Oh I dont like spiders but a good photo

  10. :)

    Thanks! I like to photograph spiders!

