Tuesday, November 28, 2006

All about Dan!

Dan Fogelberg!

Today I am listening to Dan's "The First Christmas Morning" the MOST special Christmas album ever!
I have to play it often during the season...sometimes even on July 4th. :) It's just so perfect!

Recently a couple of Dan Fogelberg fans found some of my posts here-talking about Dan's music ! It has been a very nice experience talking with people who share in my love of Dan's music and feel as deeply as I do about him and his music.

If interested in our comments go here
(Oct.17 & 18 -'06 Archives)

Here is a good Fogelberg website!


  1. I just went to take a look at that Fogelberg website...wow it's amazing! I love that collection of guitar picks with his pictures on it!! I've always enjoyed his music. It's so much fun when you can have a conversation with other people who are fans....I'm a big Elvis fan and I know I can really get into a deep conversation with other Elvis fans! lol

  2. Pea,

    Yes , that is a good site to visit.

    Those guitar pics you mention- I have those ! I bought them off ebay last year! :) They are in a frame and look pretty neat!

    I've enjoyed the convos with these ladies about Dan's music- for I have been a big DaFan for over 30 years!- I enjoy a lot of different music but Dan will always be #1 with me!

    Elvis, too, was a tremendous talent! I was a teen when Elvis came on the scene so I will always have a soft spot for him! :)

    LOL- Shall we open a music forum??


  3. Didn't he have a partner Tim Weisberg (or something like that)? ~ jb///

  4. Hi jb,

    Dan did 2 albums with Tim Weisberg: "Twin Sons of Different Mothers' in 1978 and 'No Resemblance Whatsoever" in 1995.

    Both are very good listening!


  5. Anonymous1:25 AM


    I left a post responding to yours regarding YouTube...I didn't see it come up but I did find where you listed today's post and the mention of Ever On!

    Thanks! Maybe some more nice folks will come over and join our group! It is really full of great people!

    I can't believe you have those guitar picks! That is incredible! I have a few t-shirts, did have a keychain but it broke and Dan's picture got lost! :-(

    I don't wear the tees I purchased recently but I have a very old one that I have worn to where it is almost see through!!

    In answer to lz blogger, Dan hasn't really ever had a 'partner'! Except for his first two bands when he was a teenager!

    A lot of great musicians have played with and toured with him. He is someone that I think if you were a musician you would want to be included somewhere with Dan!


  6. Hi June - Glad you really enjoy your music. Thanks fr your comments. I like
    the poem "Isn't It?" too. Glad you alsoenjoyed Mother knows best. We knew that didn't we? Take care, Love, Merle.

  7. Sherry,

    The other post came up at the earlier Dan post-and i responded to it there.

    Yep- I was thrilled to find those guitar pics for sale! And I got a Tee shirt from the Full Circle tour. I had a very old one from his early days-(my little granddaughter wore it home one day and I never saw it again! :( )

    BTW- I read a part of that journal of the Full Circle tour! It made me sad- thinking of all that's happened since then...

    I will be back to the website again soon.

    Thanks for visiting here. Hope you'll come again.


  8. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Yes, I have been playing D. Fogelberg's Christmas CD a lot recently. It's the best!

    Have to go shopping today so will do the blog rounds later!


  9. Anonymous4:20 PM


    I was fortunate to be able to attend "The Full Circle" tour. And I do have a tee-shirt and it is folded nicely in a drawer! I am thinking of framing it and the one I purchase at Chastain Park, when he was there in 2000.

    Yes, reading Michael Botts journal of the tour is sad. So much has happened. We lost Michael and now Dan may never tour again....Don't like to think about it.

    I have got to get and start making candles! Shopped yesterday and haven't had time to start on candles yet today.

    OH! Last night our PBS station was showing a Great Performances, which was a Tribute to JAMES TAYLOR!! There was a ton of singer/muscians on that were singing James' songs to him. I tapped it but it was great! And thanks to you, I purchase his Christmas CD but have not had a chance to listen yet. I guess I should put it on while I make candles! :-)


  10. Hi Sherry,

    Well, I'm sorry I missed that music show last night but I don't watch TV very much these days- I should pay more attention to what's on. I always liked James Taylor's music so I can imagine a tribute show to him would be good to watch! Oh, well!-I missed it!

    Yes, that Christmas cd of his (James Taylor) is very nice. I also got the new Sarah McLachlan Christmas one-and it's very special! Sarah is a big favorite with me! I have been able to see her in concert 2 times. She's great!

    ...ABOUT collections- I have several posters- 2 Big ones of Dan and some of several other artists! (my son used to work in a music store and he was able to get these for me) I also have a BEATLES puzzle that a music friend sent to me, which I framed! Have an Elvis- Gordon Lightfoot-and Jackson Browne poster! Recently I found an old Everly Bros. ad page- show bill , I guess it would be! I have always
    wished I had a big 'Music Room' where I could display all my neat stuff! But I don't - so they are all packed away!


  11. Sherry,

    Making candles!

    How ambitious you are!

    For some reason I am having a hard time getting started with my decorating!

    I think it's just because of all the changes in my life....no kids around any more to help make me merry!

    All through the years I have enjoyed The Christmas season so much- and a big part of it was always the MUSIC!
    I remember listening to Christmas music as I made cookies- etc...and how I always looked forward to all the Christmas music specials in those days.

    Oh, well- I'll just put on some of this Christmas music I have and let it work it's magic!

    Have to remember what Dan says...'There's magic every moment!'


  12. Anonymous11:06 PM

    "There's miracles each day....

    You can see forever in a single drop of dew
    You can see that same forever if you look deep down inside of you..."

    You know that it amazes me that some people have no idea what those lyrics mean! Some people are very shallow...

    One of my very favorites of Dan's...'Magic Every Moment'.

    Regarding my candle making...I'm not ambitious, just poor! I always have to make my Christmas gifts. I've made them for years and now that I am on disability, I really don't have a choice. It's hard to come up with something different each year!

    One year, I went to a field and gathered ears of 'popcorn'! Yeah, I had never seen popcorn on an ear but it does come that way! Then my kids and I wore our fingers to the bone getting the kernels off the cobs! Cause the corn kernels are hard, just like popcorn before you pop it. I made some pretty little jars and EVERyONe got popcorn and a loaf of pumpkin bread that year. It was a very lean year!

    This year, I am making candles and painting different things and making a basket with nice relaxing herbs and spices for bathtime. Scented oils and powedered milk also, so each person will have a choice when they want to lie in a tub and relax!

    Going to make a little muslin bag to put the herbs in for the tub and I've got some neat glass bottles to put them in to keep. Got my work cut out for me!


  13. (Sherry said)
    You know that it amazes me that some people have no idea what those lyrics mean! Some people are very shallow...

    One of my very favorites of Dan's...'Magic Every Moment'.<<<

    Hi Sherry,

    That's very true. I ALWAYS want to know all the lyrics of a song- and Dan writes such beautiful songs with deep feelings and messages! I don't see how anyone could listen to his music and not be touched by it!

    "Magic Every Moment is a favorite of mine too.

    As for your making your Christmas gifts, that's a wonderful thing to do.
    I have done that a lot myself, through the years. I have been into all kinds of crafts, from crochet to paper mache santas- and everything in between! I also write special poems to ones close to me!

    I grew up very poor so I know what it's like not to always have enough...or as much as we might want!

    If you're interested- on my side bar is another of my blogs...in fact, I have others too- but the one'About Mom-my early memories' is the story of my earliest memories...some happy-some sad- but all filled with love. I got so much from MOM-including my love of Christmas-and reading and writing poetry.
    We were very poor but MOM saw that we enjoyed Christmas. (some of those times are on the blog)

    I still have some gifts Mom made for me so many years ago...Homemade gifts from the heart are the best kind.


  14. Anonymous5:34 PM


    I will go and read your stories regarding your Mom later on. I finished purchasing supplies today and I am worn out! But I do know how you feel as my little Mama means the world to me.

    I write poetry also and if you go to Ever On's main site, you will find the artistry page and then click on my name. You will find some of my poems there, I have a ton more to send in! Also there are photos of some of the Dreamcatchers that I make. I am one-quarter Cherokee, and I am true to my Native Heart.

    You know, I have come to find that a great many of Dan's fans have some kind of artistic talent. Isnt' that great! That us creative folks really know how wonderful Dan is!

    I will go now and try to get the website address so that you can find the artistry page easier. I will include the entire page incase you would like to look at some of the other's talents.

    Also at the Ever On forum, I posted a new thread about my shopping trip today and a young man that I met who looks like Dan did in his younger days!! Was a pleasant surprise for me!

    Take care Junie...


  15. Sherry,

    I'll be interested to read yours and other's poems on that site. I just haven't had a chance to really check things out there. But will appreciate if you send me the page address so it makes it easier! lol- there's lots of stuff on that site.

    ...And I want to read about that young man you met who reminded you of Dan! :)

    Thanks a lot,


  16. Anonymous6:00 PM


    I got confused (easy for me to do!) and posted the web address under the story of your Mom...

    So, you will have to go there to find the address to The Artistry Page.

    If I remember I will come back and give you the link to Ever On's main website. There is a ton of info there regarding Dan, as I said Brett is something else! He is entirely responible for EVERything regarding EVER ON!!

    I was his first poster as I knew Brett before he started Ever On!! :-)


  17. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "It's Me Again Margaret" LOL!

    Here is the address to the main website of EVER ON:


    Enjoy the site!

