Welcome to Junie's place.
Here will be things dear to my heart...thoughts and feelings about family, friends, nature, my crafts, my animals, my poems, favorite music,
MY PAST and daily happenings.
Hope you enjoy visiting with me!
~~Comments Always Welcome~~
~It's the only way I'll know you've visited!
You are a gal after my own heart...you love Christmas ornaments as much as I do! lol Love, love, love all your Santas!!! I wish I lived near so that I could come see your house all decorated for Christmas:-)
You are a gal after my own heart...you love Christmas ornaments as much as I do! lol Love, love, love all your Santas!!! I wish I lived near so that I could come see your house all decorated for Christmas:-)
All things Christmas have always been very dear to my heart. I especially love the older decorations and especially -santas!
Yes- it would be fun living near each other-as we DO share so much of this Christmas collecting/ decorating thing!!
Next best thing is being blogging pals! :)