Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas-continued...

We had lots and lots of presents-
and yummy food.

Here are some of the gifts
I got from the family.

~That little sparkly thing
is a diamond braclet from Charles-and it's on a pretty Christmas
sweater from my daughter.~

We all had an enjoyable Christmas Eve
but when I finally got to bed around 2:00 A.M. it was all catching up with me;
all the decorating, shopping, wrapping-food preparations!
(all the things I have loved doing in the past but that had proven to be harder this year!)

By Christmas morning I was barely able to get out
of bed and walk around!

Charles had to do the turkey dinner for us.
( With the help of the daughters ) I couldn't help at all.


We've decided that we MUST scale down in the future...
It will be hard because I have always loved
doing Christmas in a big way! And the family have enjoyed my beautiful decorations and good food!

...But things change as the years go by!

Still-the most important thing is being
with the ones you love at Christmas. The LOVE is the most important thing-
Not the amount or price on the gifts- or the fancy foods or decorations!
The Spirit is what counts most!

:) HOPE I can remember that next year
and not try to do too much!



  1. Bless your heart, maybe you'll feel lots better next time around!!
    Looks like you got some good loot...are those your books...no wonder you can't sleep~~~shiver~~~
    My Hubby and son loves those types...me I'm a romantical person...lol!!

  2. Tammy,

    Yes! Those are my books! King and Koontz are my favorite 2 writers! :)

    ~~~I know! - I'm full of surprises! haha!~~~

    Well- in spite of everything we DID have a nice Christmas!


  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Oh Junie do try to scale back a little. I know the joy of decorating inside and out. I also know the pain in the ankles, feet, and back when you overdo. I did it again this year and ended up using a walker to get out of bed and into the bathroom in the middle of the night. If not I would have had to crawl. There were no milk jug luminaries down the driveway this year. I had to have son-in-law David hang the outside lights for me. Every thing else went as planned but not without pain. Next year I will be one year older and the the decorations will be a lot lighter. So do consider help or taken it a little easier because it doesn't get any better. I know from experience.

  4. Mary,

    Thanks! I know that's good advice and I am gonna try to scale back next time! What I need to do when I put my stuff away is really organize things so I know where everything is! ( 'LIKE' things together and all in plastic boxes!)...and I'm gonna throw out some stuff! You see-I have so much stuff I usually end up getting it ALL out- just to find a particular thing!

    I'm always so afraid , when I get the back or leg pains, that it is a spell of Neuropathy coming on! Had that a few years ago and it totally put me down for 3 months! Didn't sleep in a bed for that long-as I couldn't be comfortable at all, except in a recliner! Worst pain I have ever had and I got really depressed and had to be on strong narcotic drugs for a spell!

    This getting old can be 'Not too fun' at times! :)

    Hope you're feeling better by now, too!
    ( your blogs amaze me- with all you do! )


