Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve,
for me, was a
very busy day,
preparing for the
family party and
opening of presents!
I finally, pretty much,
got everything in place
-with just enough time to shower
and dress before the
family members were due
to start arriving!

Here are some pics of our Christmas Eve.

The Food & The Folks ~

~~~By the end of the night (late night)
I was very tired and not feeling well~~~

...Next post~ my presents...



  1. Looks like a grand time was had by all Junie. I hope you felt okay on Christmas Day. All those preparations take a lot out of a person; so I'm not surprised you were pooped out by the end of the evening. Your food looked wonderful....and so did you!

  2. Joy,

    We had a great time on Christmas...but I DID over-do! (and , in fact, those pics show an exhausted lady!!) As it turned out I was pretty bad off by morning and could barly walk.(my back and legs)

    My dear Charles had to do the Turkey dinner for us all! (with some help from the girls!)

    We've decided we MUST scale down next year! :(

    Anyway- enjoyed being with the family!


  3. What a fine looking bunch of Home Folk you have there...I love me some deviled eggs...I made a few just for us'ns...hehe!!

  4. :) Yah- deviled eggs are GOOD! Easy and quick to make too!

    Another thing I make which all the folks go for is a tuna and cream cheese mold, whith thyme and chopped ripe olives. Very good on crackers. :) I'm always amazed that it comes out so pretty lol-and holds together. I do it in a round wreath mold and fill the center part up with olives!
    Forgot to make a picture of that! :(

