Saturday, January 27, 2007


We had a surprise visit from the girls daughter Tina and granddaughter Allison!
Alli wanted to show us her new haircut. Can you believe I forgot to get a picture? Yep! I find it hard to believe too, but I DID forget! :) She looked cute but she always does!

She's 16 now and will be getting her driver's license next week! Yikes! ...And she's our baby!

This is a picture I made of Alli in October'06. She is wearing a sweater that was mine in the late 70s! (;0 I save things!) It looks cute on her!

Tomorrow Charles and I will be taking a VICTORY ride! We haven't been for a ride in several weeks. Always something preventing our riding! Mainly, recently, it has been because I haven't felt well. Seems like I'm not improving so I might as well give that up as an excuse. I can feel bad just as easily riding as moping around this house! :) Does that make sense? Well, it does to me!

I have been feeling sad and discontented lately - for a variety of reasons. A long ride will be fun for us. Hope to get some interesting pictures along the way!

Tomorrow brings a brighter day - I'll make it so!

(One of our more recent rides - Fall'06)


aka Ginga


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Enjoy the ride and feel better.

  2. Hi Mary,

    Thanks - but looks like we can't ride today after all! The weather is not right!

    ...But maybe I'll get C. to take me out for lunch or something...

    I'm ok just have had a bit of blues lately...
    Silly- since I really do have so much to be thankful for!

    Thanks for coming by.


  3. If you hadn't said anything about the blouse Alli is modeling we would have never know because it is in style once again...she is such a pretty grand "baby"!!

  4. Hi Tammy,

    Thanks - yes Alli is very pretty- but the best thing about her is she's so nice and sweet! Always has that smile!

    I LOVE that little sweater> Wish I could lose enough wt. to wear it and look ok in it again!


  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Have a wonderful ride and let all that sadness and discontent blow away in the wind. Come back refreshed.

  6. Thanks Maria,

    We DID ride and I do feel better.

