Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Blog Anniversary!

Today is the one year anniversary of having my blog!
( although I had a journal for a few months before that on AOL...still open and on my side bar)

This past year has been a lot of fun and I have met so many interesting people through this blog!
I like getting a glimpse into other's lives and I love sharing little things from my life and family happenings! I honestly think blogging has very positive benifits in bringing folks together! It makes us realize the things we all have in common; even though we may be continents apart in distance!


A poem of my blogging experience...

My Blog Anniversary

The world of blogging captured me,
one year ago today.
And I have found, surprisingly,
there’s always much to say!

You’ve seen me in my happy moods.
You’ve seen me when I’m down.
You’ve seen me at my silliest!
(If you have been around!)

You’ve read me, as I reminisce,
of all my days of old.
And I’ve shared some chosen tid-bits,
as present days unfold.

You’ve seen me bare my heart and soul,
for all the world to see.
(Sometimes pondering over things
that were not meant to be!)

I follow my true feelings-
go as the river flows-
in this accounting of my days-
this life of Junie Rose!

June Kellum
Jan 16, 2007


~The beginning~


Can't believe it! Am I actually going to be allowed to post here on my own blog?!


For the first time I am really able to type in this big box!
And, wouldn't you know it- I find myself speechless!

Thanks to all who have tried to help me...however, none of your suggestions worked! LOL!

It just decided to let me in - perhaps sensing all the cool and extremely important things I will post here in the future! :)
(now- those who know me-realize that's a joke!)

Anyway, for better or worse- here I am!

Let the fun begin!


Jan.16, 2006



  1. Happy One Year Anniversary Junie....Congrats. I love your blog poem....wonderful. I can't imagine not visiting your blog every day to say hi and see what you have in store for us. You are a dear, wonderful and inspiring lady... Many, many more wonderful blogging days ahead for you sweet friend....

  2. Wow - really cool, Junie! Happy Bloggiversary!! :) I'm really glad you started a blog... I always enjoy coming here to read whatever you've written, and I love how you update your blog almost daily! That way, I know I'll always have something new to read when the other bloggers are off doing something else!

  3. Skye,

    Thanks! I'm happy you enjoy my rambling blogs!

    :) I guess folks never know what to expect from me- as I go off in so many different directions!....But I would get very bored if I didn't do it that way!

    Yes, I post almost daily- sometimes more than once!
    I'm extreme in all that I do - you might have notived! ;)

    Skye , I DO appreciate you reading me on a regular basis!

    I enjoy your blog too- love seeing the pictures you post of your family.

    (Hugs to you)


  4. Dear Joy,

    Thanks so much for your nice comments- and you KNOW I always enjoy visiting you, also!

    I have found blogging to be a good thing for me! I have had such a lot of fun this past year!

    Lol- who would have thought shy little Junie would find that much to say!!



  5. Junie!
    Happy Blogiversary!!
    I've truly enjoyed getting to know you through blogging. I know we'd be good friends if we were neighbors!
    Here's to another fun year!!

  6. Susie,

    Thanks a lot!

    I'm sure we WOULD be friends in RL- but it's almost as good to be Blog buddies! :)

    I always enjoy visiting your blog- but you know that, already!


  7. Happy Blogiversary dear Junie!!! Woohoo! I am so glad that I found you on this big wide world of blogging...I always enjoy my visit soooo very much:-) Love the poem you wrote just for this day and I so agree with everything it says! It was also fun to read your very first post! lol Looking forward to many more posts:-) Hugs xox

  8. Pea,

    Thanks so much for your visits and comments.

    Blogging has been so much fun for me this past year and your blogspot is one of my favorite places to visit!

    LOL- I wonder if we'll ever run out of things to blog about!.....I HOPE not!


  9. Congratulations on your one year anniversary!! I've only just "met" you but I feel as if I've known you all along. I enjoy your poems and like reading your blog. Here's to another year of blogging with friends!

  10. Janet,

    Thanks so much for visiting and I'm happy you find my blog interesting enough to come back to!

    And , of course, I find your blog very interesting too!(especially those pictures you do!)

    Blogging - writing my own and reading others'- is the most fun thing I have found to do in a long time!

  11. Congratulations & Happy Blog Anniversary! I love the poem, very fitting for this fine occasion ;)

  12. Hi Carolyn,



  13. And what a year it has been June, for all of us,
    the blog-world just keeps getting bigger and better.

  14. Hi June ~~ Happy Blogiversary -- it has
    been wonderful to get to know you and I
    just love your poem. Well done, as usual. All your poems are good. Glad you got a laugh out of the aging thingo -if we didn't laugh, we'd cry as so many are true. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  15. Gday Junie
    Congratulations Happy !st Blogiversary Nice poem Keep blogging Take care> Jan

  16. Junie, whils't I am not always visiting leaving a comment I often do drop in to read your blog and just love the fresh way you do things.

    Happy blogger birthday and may we spend many more fun times together this year.

    best wishes Lee-ann

  17. Lee-ann,
    Thanks very much for visiting.
    I read you often, also.

    I find blogging just amazing! :)


  18. Jan,

    Thanks for visiting!

    It's been a fun-filled year of blogging!

    It's great meeting so many people and getting little looks into other's lives!

    LOL- I'm just afraid I'll run out of things to say! haha


  19. Dear Merle,

    Thanks for always visiting. You know , you and your brother were a big help to me in the beginning-encouraging me in my first steps at blogging!

    I'm glad I hung in there and got the "hang" of it-after awhile!

    It's been a lot of fun and I value the friends I have made here.

    I always enjoy reading your site and hearing of what you are doing in your daily life!

    Have a good day, Merle.


  20. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    And thanks for all your help and advice when I started out here!

    I have had a lot of fun with this blogging thing! Can you tell I'm having fun? :)....and Peter- you'll just have to put up with some of my SMILES! (HAHA) because I tend to smile a lot on here!

    Oh, my! What if I run out of things to say here??


  21. I love your blogging poem...and congrats!!!

  22. Thanks, Tammy!

    Having fun blogging!


  23. Happy Blogiversary to Junie Rose!!

  24. Thanks Ann!

    This year has been FUN!


  25. Happy Blogging Anniversary to you
    Happy Blogging Anniversary to you!
    Happy Anniversary dear Junie....
    Happy Anniversary to you!

    Congratulation on sharing the past year with us. You have done well.

  26. Shelly,

    Thanks so much!

    I've enjoyed getting to know so many very interesting and nice people this past year!

    It's been FUN!

