Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Putting away Christmas-2007

I spent part of yesterday and way into the night, putting away my Christmas! My plan was to orginize as I went along, so as to make things easier next time! I hope I did that! I tried to put like things together as much as possible...but I kept forgetting things. Oh well! I gave it my best shot-and maybe I made a little difference.

I didn't think of making pics yesterday as I worked- but here are some of my boxes, just to give you an idea of what I'm dealing with here! :)

Of course you don't get the full picture - as my camera does not have the lens to capture it all in one shot!!

I'm thinking of not decorating at all next year! : ) Ya think that might happen? :)

Although I was up until after 1:30 AM, putting stuff away, I stll have an overflow to deal with today...

Pics of my remaining Christmas:

The tree - Is there anything so sad as a Christmas tree stripped of it's decorations-all dry and droopy? ( Charles got the tree out for me this morning)

Rag dolls - waiting to be put away (but still smiling! )

Old papier mache santa-and some papier mache trees...

A gold Reindeer...

Some of my Christmas hankies that I use in decorating...

Oooops! Another old santa! He was overlooked in his corner by the bookshelf!




(Feeling a little down- which is my normal Post Christmas feeling!)


  1. Such a job, first to decorate, then to take it all down and put it away. Every year I promise myself to scale back and every year I do even more than the year before! Someday though....

  2. That's exactly how I do! I buy stuff at the after season sales-then put them away somewhere and forget all about them...For instance- I just found a big santa serving plate that I had forgotten I had bought! :) Maybe I'll remember it NEXT Christmas!
    (Oh!! that is if I even decorate at all!! if I could stop!!)


  3. Surprise yourself June, don't decorate next Christmas!!

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM


    That would surprise everyone!!


  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    The best part of a Christmas Cruise is not having to decorate the house. I agree with Peter. A year off is well worth it. I bet I am the only person thinking about decorating for next Christmas. (Yes, I missed it a little

  6. Hi Maria,

    Now if I could get my husband to take me on a cruise I might be able to resit the urge to decorate!...But he never would do that!


  7. God Junie....WE ARE SO MUCH ALIKE...even down to buying things at the end of the season and forgetting what was bought...or sometimes where it was put. How obsessive are we? I put my decorations away! Everything but the tree...waiting for my son to help me with that on his next day off of work.

    It actually felt good to get it all put away again. It felt like they were up a very short time this year. I think it was because I couldn't totally enjoy them because of all the "mess" that went on here in December. Oh well....I doubt that I'll ever change.....nor you either.

  8. Dearest Junie, I see we were both doing the same thing this week! lol It's such a sad feeling having to put Christmas away but then it's also nice to see the rooms looking all nice and clean again. I always say I won't decorate as much next year but like you, it won't happen, we just love Christmas too much:-) I think a lot of us feel sad once everything is put away and we have the long winter ahead of us...always know that I'm here for you if you need to talk! xoxo

  9. Dear Pea,

    Yes, I see we have similar feelings and approaches about Christmas and decorating. And I seriously doubt that I will be able to cut back very much with the decorating or gift buying or any of it! :) I tend to forget how much I overdo until I'm caught up in the whole thing again!

    Anyway it's kinda nice to see that I am not alone in this. There's YOU and a few others I've met in BlogLand who have the same feelings as I do!



  10. Hi Joy,

    :) but there could be far worse obsessions than what we have for Christmas!

    I think my sadness stems from the changes that have come about over the recent years for us-with the children (grandkids) growing up! ( Imagine that! They just went and grew up on me! haha)

    I miss having little ones around at Christmas!
    You see-EVERY Christmas of their lives has been spent here with us. 'Santa' always visited the kids HERE at my house!...Would have been easier, I guess, if they had Not been such a part of our lives all through the years! But I wouldn't change it for the world!


  11. Junie,

    I know exactly what you're talking about. Christmas the past two years have been hard for me since we ALL couldn't be together. Apart from the obvious...Joel's death....the twins and the rest of us truly missed not being together. Just like you...we've ALWAYS been together for Xmas. I've already missed two Xmas's with Bella and Bastian...and that has been very difficult.

    It's very obvious to see that your grandkids LOVE coming to your home....holidays or not. You have generated the kind of atmosphere of love and warmth that has them all wanting to come back for more. have done something SO right with your family. You should be very proud of how they all have turned into stellar people. All that said....I don't think it's going to stop you from having the blues sweetie. The one constant thing in change. Thinking of you....

  12. My how organized!!
    Me I'm careful with the breakables but the rest is just tossed in...nah...really, I try to be careful but I don't have as much as you seem to have!!

  13. Tammy

    Yep, I have WAY too much. I'm overwhelmed! So I really need to cut back. Once I get started tho, it's hard-so I end up putting it all out.

  14. I agree with what Joy said, Junie. You have done a GREAT job raising your family, and they obviously all adore you! I can only hope for the same when my own kids and grandkids are grown. And you know what else, Junie? It shouldn't be TOO long until you have some GREAT-grandchildren to entertain and spoil at Christmas time!

  15. Skye,

    Thanks for the nice comments!

    I guess if you love your family and do your best things usually turn out fine, in the end!

    I'm sure you're doing a fine job with your kids, Skye. I know from reading your blogsite that you have a lot of love for those kids and are proud of them!

    Yep- it's good to think that I may still be around to know my GREAT GRANDS,too! (but I don't expect that for awhile!)

  16. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Junie, I'm so envious. Between the injured ribs and the eye surgery it looks like I'll be in a Christmas world for a few more weeks. But on the bright side I will enjoy it without guilt!

  17. Yes! You just take it easy- take your time and recover from that fall and eye surgery.

    Sure hope everything is going well with you and you'll be back in action again soon!

    (One Christmas season I fell and broke a wrist-putting up my decorations!!...;) that was a year I didn't do much!)

