Saturday, February 17, 2007


OK~ This is why I'm disappointed in the freeze we had last night!

This is our Azaleas of a past spring!

The row of bushes is in our front yard.

I love these flowers!



  1. Oh, I can see why you're so distressed about the bushes. Those are spectacular!! Maybe they'll be ok after all.

  2. Hi, Morning Glory

    The bushes will be ok- just that the blooming for this year is probably over-because the freezing temps came after they had started blooming ! We've had an unusually mild winter-so the flowers thought it was time to bloom! :)

    Oh well!
    There's always next year! (we like to think so, anyway!)


  3. Hi June ~~ Your azalias were beautiful
    in the photo - hope they will be better next year. It is a depressing time in winter, and I can't imagine how much worse it is with snow. But Spring will be along soon and I hope everything cheers you up then. Lovely African Violets you bought. I can't seem to keep them for long before they die on me. Yet others have them growing in the ground or lasting ages inside.
    Glad you liked the Middle Wife, it was a good story, by a cute kid.
    Take care, dear June, Love, Merle.

  4. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your sweet post. I'll be fine...

    About the African Violets- I have never seen them planted in the ground- but only as house plants!- I usually do well with them as potted plants indoors- so I'm going to try to be very careful with these- and probably will get some more too.

    I always enjoy reading the jokes you post Merle. Can always expect a laugh there! :) Thanks.



  5. Omigosh Junie, I have never ever seen such an abundance of wonder you're disappointed by the freeze. Hopefully, though, they might have a chance and come back. Hugs xox

  6. I've always loved these bushes!! I know it is spring when they bloom...they are abundant in Ky but here in Ohio not so much! But I'm thinking they have to be older to be pretty...and there are lots of older homes and homesteads in Ky.

  7. Tammy,

    Azaleas is one of the main thing that attracted me to this area- way back in early 70s. We came up in early spring and just fell in love with the place. The Azaleas cover the whole bush when they bloom here!...And ppl tend to plant in high #s -not single bushes- so they make quite a show!

    They usually don't start to bloom here until late March or April. This time they bloomed early because of the mild winter---:( and got killed back! ....but there's next year!


  8. Pea,

    Checked the bushes and there are some unopened buds that , hopefully, will bloom out...but it can't be a showy sight as in this earlier picture!

    But there's next time!


  9. Oh Junie, your Azeala bush was lovely last year I do hope it still flowers for you, (((HUGS)))

  10. There will be some flowers- just the flowers that had already opened were ruined... The unopened buds will still open, I think. But we won't get the 'show' that we usually do!
