Thursday, February 01, 2007

Chris Isaak

Look what came in my mail today!
Isn't it always so fun to open your mailbox to a nice surprise?
Well, I was expecting this - just wasn't sure when it would come!

My friend Bonnie, in Reno, Nv sent it. She has plans to see Chris Isaak in concert soon and she wanted to introduce his music to me!

( :) Yep- another one I didn't know much about! ) Thanks to my friends, tho, I am slowly getting caught up with the music!)

Dear Bonnie, thanks so much-and it couldn't have come at a better time than today-as today is rainy and gloomy and much in need of some sunshine! This cheered me! :)

I haven't yet got into the playing of this cd- but did find some YouTubes of Chris Isaak performing! I like what I've seen and heard, so far!

(Warning: VERY sexy vid here....but I really love this song!)


Thanks again for the cd, Bonnie!



  1. Receiving such a lovely surprise in the mail is indeed a wonderful way to brighten up one's day:-) I've heard of Chris Isaak but he's another one that I really haven't followed his music. Will have to check him out!! Hugs xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    I especially like that song of the video I linked to....but as I said in the warning......!!!

    I hope no one is offended! :)



  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    JUNE! I'm so glad you like this CD -- i tried to pick my favorite songs, songs i have seen him do in concert, and songs i thought you would like. He is so awesome and we have Dean Koontz to thank for that -- he referenced Chris and various songs all throughout that Chris Snow book so i had to check him out -- bought one CD and went back to Best Buy the next day and bought all the others. When he plays here, after the shows he does autographs -- so i have a T-shirt, a ball cap and a photo -- he didn't do it the first time but did the others. this time i have my new little camera that i'm going to take and get some video shots of him. he is very cool and i'm so glad you like him, too!

    love ya!

  4. :)


    Oh yes! I DO like him a lot. Been listening tonight!

    He's cool - and good looking -AND sings great too!

    Hope you get some good pics at the up- coming show!

    Thanks so much,



  5. Oooh, that's my favorite Chris Isaak song, Junie! My best friend and I were in high school when it came out, and we used to kind of giggle and swoon when we heard it because it was so sexy! I've never seen the video before, though!

  6. Hi Skye,

    ;) He's NEW to me - lol!
    Yep- I missed a lot through the years!

    This video is SOO good! Did you click on it?


  7. I couldn't get the link to work, Junie. But I went to YouTube and found it! :) You are right... that is a very sexy - and enjoyable - video!

  8. :(

    Well, heck! I dunno why it's not working . I does for me!

    Anyway, glad you found it! That is such a good song!!


  9. Hope you and your family are okay over there, Junie. Don't know how close you are to where the storms and tornados passed... don't know if you have power today! But hoping all is well. Will check back tomorrow after I return from the giraffes and penguins!!

  10. Skye,

    Thanks for your concern. The storms were 40 miles or so south of us. We had rain and thundersorms all night here but didn't lose power and I didn't know how bad it was further south until today.

    ;) Hey have fun with the Giraffs and Penguins tomorrow!


  11. Hi June ~~ I love Chris Isaak and often see that video on the Country Music Channel. Glad you like him too. I
    enjoyed the photos from your back yard. Nice to see some flowers blooming.
    Thanks for your visit. I don't think too many kids treat their Moms as badly as the one in the Mother story. Funny I thought it was about a boy, and some of you thought about a daughter. She spoilt him or her anyway. I hope not too many kids do that. Take care, my friend,
    Love, Merle.

  12. I just received a gift from my bestest friend in the world who lives in CA. I miss her so much, and the gift was a big surprise for no actual occasion.
    I hope you enjoy your gift. How wonderful that it came on a rainy, gloomy day!!
    Happy Weekend, Junie!

  13. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Those unexpected- no occasion gifts are among the best ones!

    Happy week-end to you!!


  14. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for looking at my flowers. I'm happy you like them.

    You could be right about that story being a son instead of a daughter... SAD either way.

    Hope your weekend is going well.

