Saturday, February 03, 2007

Visiting family

Today we visited with my sister and BIL who live in Lake Placid, (just south of Sebring) about a 3 hour drive from our place. This was a mini-family gathering with my sister's daughters both coming to visit her ; one from California and the other from Homestead, FL. I don't get to see either of these dear nieces very often so didn't want to miss this opportunity. Another of my sisters and her husband ( from here in Ocala) also went down for the gathering!

The weather has not been great for the past few days, with a lot of rain and storms!
( Sadly, tornados have caused 20 deaths across our state in the past couple days!)
We experienced a lot of rain on our trip today and gray skies, but thankfully, had a safe trip there and back.

Gloria (my older sis) had a wonderful lunch prepared for us. She has always been a good cook so I wasn't surprised to find everything so tasty! She had a baked ham, potato salad, fried okra, baked beans, cheese & mac - sliced fresh tomatoes and corn on the cob- (fresh from Homestead!)
PLUS- 2 desserts! :) - a , from scratch, coconut cake and a cherry-cheesecake! Yummy!

Above are some pics from our day-

( click any pic to enlarge )

The group is L to R- my sis-Joy, my sis- Gloria, my niece -Evie, ME - my niece, Diane

For some reason I like the looks of water towers reaching into the sky, and get pics whenever I can! This one at Sebring I liked! :) -and I like this juice tower at a juice plant we passed in the area...You can see the gray and dreary sky we had today!

I had fun talking with the girls. I had some pics from our trip to NC in October'06. They both read my blog and of course knew of my Icy Dip into the water wheel pond!
I told them another episode of the trip which they found funny!

... LOL-OK- Evie sorta-kinda DARED me to post that story here!
Uut-ohh! SOOO I guess I'll hafta do it!


...K- as I said before-after my fall into the pond I didn't take time to properly shampoo and creme rinse my hair (I was in such a hurry to get the heck out of Boone!) I realized my mistake as my hair dried . I found it completely unmanageable-flying every which way!

But by the end of our riding that day I was too tired to bother with my hair again- so said,"Forget it!"

The next day brouht us to Sylva, NC...a very pretty place we had visited before. We looked around some- found a nice place for dinner-made some pictures.

We got back to the motel late...but I HAD to do my hair! I had brought along my foam curlers so started out with the job I knew had to be done!

The type hair I have, (much too long ) I have to curl it or I can't do a thing with it! If I just blow it dry it's just a fly-away mess!...Anyway- it was late and I knew it would take a long time to dry it, put up with the curlers...

Though, not the most comfortable thing to do I thought I could sleep with the foam curlers in place-and by morning it would be ready to take down! (and I would once again look beautiful! hahaha)....That is- if I only had a sleep cap to put over the curlers to keep them in place! I didn't have one, of course!

This is what I decided to do! (Luckily for me, I pack a lot of extra stuff for trips!)

Well- what would YOU have done!!

Is this a new way of, "getting one's panties in a twist?" :)

It worked!



  1. Sounds like a wonderful visit and all that great food, yum!
    I was wondering if those tornadoes were close to you. Glad you escaped all that.
    How clever of you to find a substitute hair net LOL!!

  2. What a great visit Junie. I sure see the family resemblence...even with your nieces.

  3. Hi Junie looks like you had a lovely visit with family and the food yummy
    oh is that the latest fashion for covering the hair at night , I must say very inavative,,,

  4. Hi Jeanette,

    yes, a good visit with the folks and the girls liked the story of my haie solutions etc. :)

    The lunch was great too.


  5. Hi Joy,

    Yes , we all enjoyed seeing each other.

    People have always said my sister Gloria and I look a lot alike and I can see we do in pictures.


  6. Hi Susie,

    Those Tornados were terrible , with much loss of homes and lives. No way to prepare for them! It was south this time.

    We enjoyed the visit with the folks very much :) My nieces liked my stories of our adventures IN NC, too!


  7. I KNEW it was going to be underwear, even before I scrolled down to the picture! That's what I would have done in the same situation! I'm glad it worked out well, and the pink is such a flattering color for you, Junie - you might consider wearing this new fashion out and about! ;)

    Glad to know the storms passed you by and you are safe, although of course very sorry for the people who were killed or lost their homes.

  8. Oh yes - and glad you got to see your sisters and nieces! You all do have some family resemblance. Was there a special occasion, or you all just wanted to get together?

  9. Dear Skye,

    :) Thanks!

    :) It was a natural solution with the 'nite-cap!' One of those 'girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do' things! LOL-I could have chosen black but I liked the pink better! haha!

    Yes, the tornados were just awful- We have them pretty often in our state-and no way to prepare. (as with hurricanes!)

    Take care, Skye, and have a good day.


  10. Skye,

    The one daughter of my sister (the lady on the far right in the pic) lives in California and only gets out for a visit once a year-so we wanted to see her.

    I was very close to these nieces when they were little- still am, in fact, tho I don't get to see them often.


  11. Oh you ARE brave to post the picture with the "hairnet"! What a hilarious sight. I'm glad there wasn't a fire drill in the middle of the night!!

  12. Morning Glory,

    LOL! Well, what could I do? My niece dared me to do it! ;)

    Hey! At my age I figure I've earned the right to be ridiculous if it strikes my fancy! :) Life is too short not to have fun as we go along!


  13. I have an Aunt and Uncle that live in Homestead Fl!
    I'm so sorry to hear about the tornado that hit your state and about the lives unexpected and sad!!
    Now here I was thinking your curls were natural!! hehe!! My MIL used to wrap her head every night in toilet paper to save her doo!!
    Your pictures of the water towers was nice...I've never thought of taking pictures of them until now...I've always took pictures of court house towers...they facinate me!!

  14. Hi Tammy,

    Well, my goodness! (it's a small world!)
    We lived most of our life in South Florida- not Miami-but So. Dade Co. We (Chas,& Me & our fam.) lived in Cutler Ridge Area- which is maybe 10 miles north of Homestead. I actually grew up in the area from age 11 (in Perrine) and in my younger life my family lived nearer to Homestead!

    We moved from South Dade to Ocala almost 19 years ago.

    Lol- well- about my hair- it does have a lot of natural wave and curl and if I had a proper cut it would do better.

    As it is (all the same length-and LONG) it needs a little help to behave! :) I HATE going to get my hair done! lol- not the typical southern lady!

    :)- the girls thought it was funny the way I came up with the idea for that sleep cap- LOL- and I had made the pictures of myself....sooo my niece kinda dared me to use it! haha

    Oh well- I'm here to have fun!


  15. Hi Junie:-)

    I was so surprised to see the Sebring water tower because Sebring is where my mom and stepdad had their trailer for 16 years...they were Canadian snowbirds:-)

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day with some members of your family...what a lovely photo of all you girls!

    LOL you know, I never would have thought of using my panties as a hairnet!! hehe I love it! I'll have to remember that...what happens though if you just wear thongs? LOL

    Hugs xox

  16. Hi Pea,

    Well- it just amazes me how we are all connected in so many ways! :)

    Sebring is a popular place for snowbirds from the north.

    We always liked that area and thought of setteling there- but decided on Ocala. We moved from Miami to Ocala almost 19 years ago.

    LOL- so you like my idea for a curler cap? :)

    Lol- Pea, that never surfaced as a problem in my case
    (The wearing of thongs) My undies covered very well! ;)


  17. I'm cracking up over those sexy, satin panties ON YOUR HEAD!!! Very cute. You are brilliant to come up with that. We ladies do WHATever it takes to be beautiful!

    I'm so glad you had a nice visit.
    Too bad the weather has been bad.
    What a tragedy that people were killed due to tornadoes and wicked storms.

  18. LOL- Jamie Dawn, I just knew you'd appreciate my brilliance in this!

    Indeed, we go far to preserve our beauty for our men!! ;)

    Yes, the storms were just terrible with about 20 deaths- numerous homes flattened! No way can you run from these things- no way to make plans or escape them.


  19. My friend at Grandi's Grazings (link in my sidebar) has a saying on her blog which says "If you haven't grown up by age 50, you don't have to." I think that's good for us over-50 set.

  20. :)

    I'm glad to know there's no set rules about growing up....I'd be in trouble!

    I'll check out your friend's blog.


  21. Hi June, I think that is a great sleeping cap. I can see that a thong could be a problem as Pea mentioned.
    I just love Chris Issak, I became a fan through one of my sons who had his cd's. Now of course I have my own.
    Thank you for your kind words and support, I will have to strive to cope better. Cheers Margaret

  22. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Hi Margaret,

    Thanks so much for visiting.. . :) and glad you like my sleep cap. It worked out well!

    As for Chris Isaak- this is my first encounter with his music and I like it!

    I'm so glad you were able to get back to blogging Margaret- I DO believe it is good for us- this connection with others!


